Michael Gove rejects calls for cronyism probe after Matt Hancock resignation

The SNP is demanding an urgent inquiry following Matt Hancock's departure.

Author: Alan SmithPublished 28th Jun 2021
Last updated 5th Jul 2021

Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove is dismissing SNP calls for an independent investigation into claims of Tory cronyism in the wake of Matt Hancock’s resignation, speaking with Hits Radio News on a visit to Scotland.

The SNP claim cronyism is now “out of control” and want an inquiry into why so many Tory donors have been given jobs, peerages and public contracts.

But Mr Gove insists the UK Government has done nothing wrong:

“All of the contracts that are awarded are awarded after an eight-stage process, are independently assessed and the money goes to those who are capable of providing us with the PPE and other things we need. 99.5% of the PPE we sourced was absolutely what was required.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is "abusing public office" - SNP

Demanding an inquiry on Friday, SNP MP Tommy Sheppard said:

“Whether it’s unlawfully handing multi-million pound contracts to friends, soliciting donations to redecorate the Downing Street flat, offering peerages to billionaire donors, organising tax breaks over text, or giving your pals jobs at the heart of the UK Government – many will conclude this Tory chumocracy shows Boris Johnson and his ministers are arrogantly abusing public office and are only in it for themselves.”

Matt Hancock resignation was right says Michael Gove

But the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster says the awarding of contracts will be looked at as part of the public inquiry into how Covid was handled:

“Most of the criticisms that have been levelled so far tend to have been politically motivated, but obviously we will make sure there is full transparency and that the inquiry has the chance to pass its judgement in due course.”

On the resignation of Matt Hancock as UK Health Secretary, Mr Gove says it was the right thing to do:

“He took that decision, I respect that decisions, I think it was the right decision and I now think we should respect his family’s privacy but also get behind Sajid David in the work that he is carrying on.”

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