Consultation starts on Liverpool's billion-pound plan to build tens of thousands of homes
40,000 new houses could be built in the next decade
A consultation has begun on a new billion-pound plan to build tens of thousands of new homes in Liverpool.
The City Council are asking for people's views on the propsals which would see targets of an extra 2,000 new homes each year as well as a focus on affordability.
The plans also include reducing the number of empty properties and tackling homelessness.
Once implemented it would amount to a £1-billion-plus building programme.
The Council say:
"In line with the aims of the new Government, the Council has also set out a commitment to develop brownfield sites and is currently working on schemes including: Festival Gardens, Liverpool Waters, King’s Dock and Paddington Village.
"Liverpool is forecasted to grow by 40,000 households in the next 20 years, and the Council intends to use the strategy to address the fact that 52 per cent of people in the city currently live in either private rented - or social rented homes – one of the highest ratios in the country.
"The Council has also made a commitment to double the number of affordable homes to ensure the housing market works for first-time buyers. Of the 10,700 new homes built in the past five years, just 11 per cent are classed as affordable homes."
A consulation has now been launched where people are being asked to give their views on the matter.
The draft housing strategy consultation runs until Friday, 6 September and features an online survey, which is available at:
People can also email feedback to:
There will also be three community feedback days where residents can come and talk to community researchers and officers about the strategy and get assistance in completing the survey:
Central Library: 9am-6pm, Wednesday, 7 August
Spellow Library: 10am-6pm, Monday, 12 August
Garston Library: 9am-4.30pm, Tuesday, 13 August
In addition, the Council’s consultants on the draft strategy, Campbell Tickell, will host focus groups to target communities who are typically underrepresented in resident surveys.
There will also be a workshop for the Council’s Registered Provider Partners and a webinar for providers in the private rented sector.