Businesses will 'keep pushing' after parking restrictions around Bramley Moore suspended
The restrictions have received massive opposition
Last updated 25th Mar 2025
Businesses near Everton's new stadium say they'll keep fighting to make sure a sensible solution is reached - after controversial parking restrictions surrounding Bramley Moore were suspended.
They were introduced ahead of the first test event last month, setting out large areas where people would be unable to park.
However, it was met with resistance from local business owners, especially as the restrictions would remain in place every day, not just when Everton were playing at home or an event was being held at the stadium.
Many feared their businesses would go under if this wasn't changed, with a petition calling for the restrictions to end signed more than 20,000 times.
A public consultation has also been responded to more than 5,000 times.
After the second test event was held on Sunday (23 March), Liverpool City Council announced that it would be pausing the restrictions along the city’s waterfront from its northern extremity by Canada Dock down to the Leeds Street corridor at the city centre boundary, and eastwards across to the Pumpfields district.
They remain in place within the residential districts, from the Eldonian Village across to Great Homer Street and north to “the Shakespeare streets” in Kirkdale.
An update is expected before the start of the new season in August.
Paul Blair, from Blackstock Market and Hot Water Comedy Club, said:
"It gives businesses in the area a bit of breathing space now that it's been suspended until at least August, it gives everyone time to actually hash an actual plan out with the council, if they're willing to listen, and find some measures that actually help businesses and help everyone in the area that it's in place for.
"I spoke to the council very early on about the whole thing and this is essentially what I said needed to really happen and it didn't then, I don't know the reason why that was the case, but I think if you make enough noise with the rest of the businesses in the area who it's impacting, then things will change.
"I don't believe it would've changed without all of this being done."