Liverpool man to spend 14 years in jail for child sex offences

Anthony Morrissey carried out the offences on a girl in Liverpool in December 2021

Author: Dan DaviesPublished 5th Jun 2024

A man from Liverpool has been jailed for 14 years after being found guilty of child sex offences.

Anthony Morrissey, 69, of St Oswald’s Street in Old Swan, appeared at Liverpool Crown Court on Tuesday 4 June, when he was sentenced after being found guilty of rape, causing/inciting a girl under 13 to engage in sexual activity and causing a child under 13 to watch sexual activity.

He was also given an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order and will be on the Sexual Offender Register for life.

Morrissey carried out the offences in Liverpool in December 2021 and he was arrested in February 2022.

Detective Constable Leanne Rodgers said: “Thanks to the bravery and determination of the victim and her family, we were able to carry out a complex investigation that led to Morrissey being put before the courts.

“Despite denying the allegations, Morrissey was found guilty of his utterly appalling and depraved actions and he will now spend a significant amount of time in prison.

“A court heard how Morrissey exploited the trust of a child to sexually abuse her. As you can imagine for victims of such appalling crimes, the impact on them is significant and long-lasting. I hope this sentence provides some comfort to the child and her family.

Detective Inspector Daniel McWhinnie added “We are completely committed to protecting children from sexual abuse and those who seek to do them harm.

“If you have experienced any form of sexual abuse, or know of a child being abused, please come forward and report this to police.

“We take all such reports extremely seriously and if you can find the courage to come forward and speak to us we have specially trained officers who will treat you with sensitivity and compassion.”

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