WATCH: Amazon's Alexa has been asked this question 250,000 times

What would you ask her?

Published 24th Jan 2017
Last updated 1st May 2019

Since it's launch Amazon's Alexa voice service has attracted quite a lot of media attention.

Alexa is the voice service behind the Amazon Echo speaker which was released late last year in the UK and has been responsible for ordering a few rogue doll's houses.

However she also has some very useful functions allowing her owners to order products directly from Amazon, play music and answer general questions, all by just speaking.

Amazon has recently revealed that Alexa has had a massive 250,000 proposals globally, have you asked her, what was her response?

As you would expect there are a number of 'Easter Eggs' programmed into Alexa too, so if you feel inclined why not try, a Star Wars reference such as "Alexa, I Am Your Father" or "Alexa, Are You Skynet?" referring to the artificial intelligence 'mind' in the Terminator films.

WATCH: Alexa being asked some unusual questions »