Top 5 most annoying uses of mobile phones revealed


Unhappy couple
Published 21st Jun 2017
Last updated 23rd Jun 2017

How long can you last without your phone? Are you one to check it every five minutes, or do you put it away when you go out for a meal?

The latest research, conducted as part of Grazia magazine's special Unplugged issue, has revealed how obsessed we are with mobile phones in this technological age, and you might be surprised at some of the findings.

Here in the UK using your phone in meetings is the biggest faux pas, with a massive 89% of those asked saying they were annoyed by it.

Using your mobile before going to sleep was very popular with a large 64% saying they did that, however 26% saying it had a negative impact on their sleep.

Man lying in bed using his mobile phone

Nationally the top five bugbears for mobile phone usage are:

  1. Whilst driving
  2. During a conversation
  3. In a meeting
  4. During a meal
  5. On a night out

Over a third of those asked agreed that when they are with their partner they spend as much time on their phones as they do talking to their partner, and 17% said mobile phones have a negative effect on their relationship.

Couple sitting on a sofa both using mobile phones

When it comes to taking a break from your digital friend although a third of those asked have considered a digital detox, 36% said they would like to, but were worried they would miss out.

55% said they think they would be happier if they regularly took a break from technology, with 74% saying they use technology less when they are on holiday.

For more information on the research check out the Grazia website.