Everything you need to know about Snapchat’s latest Snap Map update

Snap Map is here!

Published 23rd Jun 2017
Last updated 23rd Jun 2017

Snapchat has launched a new feature letting users share their location with each other in real time. Snap Map is the newest feature which has a map showing where your friends are and what they are doing!

If you're not sure how to do it here's what you need to know:

  • Pinch to zoom out of the app’s camera screen.
  • When your friends share their location, you'll be able to see them.
  • You'll be able to see their Actionmoji (Bitmoji) on the map as well as latest story updates.
  • You can hide your location by switching to 'Ghost Mode'.

You can choose to share your location with all your friends, selected ones, or the whole community posting to 'Our Story’. However, be careful, uploading Snapchats to 'Our Story' allows anyone to track your location.

By switching to the ‘Ghost Mode’ all location features can be disabled to keep your location private.

Being able to see your friend’s location might be a fun feature making it easy to meet up or stay connected to your friends all around the world. However, there have also been a lot of concerns. Users and parents worry about security issues as Snap Map shows exactly where you are, so users can be easily tracked.

Meanwhile others are getting really excited about the new feature.

Check out Snapchat's new feature by watching the video below.