20 GIFs that sum up exam season perfectly

We've all been there!

Published 19th May 2017
Last updated 19th May 2017

We’ve all been there! Exam season can be a scary and stressful time in your lives so we have a come up with the top 20 GIFs which sum it up to perfection!

Can you relate to any of these?

Before the exam...

1) That moment you find literally anything interesting during revision! 'Oh look a flying pig!'

2) When mum asks how revision is going.

3) When you highlight the ‘important’ words in your revision and end up with a coloured in piece of paper.

4) When you take every removable compartment out of your phone to ensure it doesn't go off.

5) When you check your pockets numerous time even though you know fine well you didn't even make any notes.

During the exam...

6) When you're more nervous about finding your seat than you are for the actual exam!

7) Taking in three black ball point pens just incase one has run out since you last checked it five minutes ago.

8) That awkward moment when you have to ask to borrow a calculator in the maths exam.

9) You dare to not even look at the pen before you hear ‘It’s 9am you may now start your exam'.

10) When you open the paper and don’t know the first question.

11) How you feel taking a GCSE resit.

12) When your stomach rumbles so loudly because you were too nervous to eat breakfast and everyone stares at you.

13) When your favourite topic comes up in the paper.

14) The moment you realise you should have probably put more work in.

15) When you really need a wee but don't want to be escorted by a stranger.

16) When you finish early but people are still writing and you're like 'What have I missed?'

17) When you still have half the paper left and the invigilator says the dreaded words '5 minutes remaining'.

After the exam...

18) When you walk out of the exam knowing you’ve owned it.

19) The moment you walk out of your last ever exam.

20) When you realise you've got the grades you needed.

Have you experienced any of these before?