Online Dating Leads to the Happiest Couples!

Couples who meet online are happier than those who meet at work, in a bar or on a blind date!

Published 29th Aug 2013

New research has shown that couples who meet through online dating are 25% less likely to separate than couples who meet through more traditional means. Psychologists from Chicago University studied almost 20,000 people who had married between 2005 – 2012, and asked them a series of questions about their relationship to ultimately rate how happy they were. Those who had met online were the most satisfied in their relationship, ahead of those who had met through work, in a bar or on a blind date.

So why is online dating proving so successful?

Huge Volume of Opportunities

Quite simply, with millions of singles looking for love online, the odds of meeting a potential partner are much higher than they would be at your local pub. You literally have the world at your finger-tips and a vast amount of people who are eager to connect. As the saying goes, there is someone out there for everyone – ‘out there’ is a big place, and online dating has given us the means to explore it.

Availability of Advance Screening

Gone are the days when you meet someone in a bar (slightly under the influence), arrange a date, and when sober discover that you have nothing in common, and that your initial judgements were very, very mistaken! Online, you can screen potential dates ensuring that you only meet people who meet your personal preferences, from hair colour to hobbies and even income. Ok, so it might seem a little clinical but as the research suggests, it works.

Honesty's the best policy!

And here lies the key to a happy couple. Everyone knows that honesty is the best foundation to any relationship and online dating gives singles the opportunity to be absolutely open about what it is they do and don't want. Whether you're looking for a long term relationship – marriage, kids, the full works, or just someone to share a nice bottle of wine with, you can make sure that you only meet the people who want those same things.

The Words Out...

There used to be a time when dating sites were a bit taboo. No one wanted to admit to being on one, and couples who had met online were reluctant to say so. But this has all changed. Online dating has become the easiest and most convenient way to meet new people, fitting seamlessly into the modern busy lifestyle. And with success stories popping up all over the place, more and more people are signing up!

<a class="article-body-link" href=" "Online Dating Leads to the Happiest Couples!"">Sign-up to our dating site today, it’s free to join and who knows – you might just find your perfect match!

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