Rumours of 1D Split Intensify

Bets on One Direction split have been closed after 1D split rumours spiral.

Published 15th Jul 2014

This week rumours of an inevitable One Direction split have intensified.

Rumours last month that Harry Styles could be leaving the band have left Directioners across the globe biting their fingernails at the thought of the bands increasinly uncertain future.


This week the Betmakers, Coral, have had to close all bets that Harry, Zayn, Louis, Niall and Liam will go seperate ways before the year is out.

A Coral spokesman said: " A rush of shrewd bets on One Direction splitting up raised the alarm and forced us to close betting until further notice.

"There's no smoke without fire and these bets indicate that the rumours are true."

In recent weeks it has been reported that Harry is travelling sperately from his bandmates while the boys are on tour. A spokesperson for One Direciton has yet to make any comment on the matter.

Big 1D fan? Check out our very exciting list of upcoming 1D collaborations here and watch the video for 'You & I':