Bieber’s Manager Sends ‘Love’ To Star

Scooter said he’d “act in the manner of someone who truly cares”.

Published 24th Jan 2014

Justin Bieber‘s manager Scooter Braun tweeted his support for the star today, following yesterday’s arrest.

Breaking his silence since the incident, Scooter said he’d “act in the manner of someone who truly cares”, in a message posted on the social network.

He later added: “Been a long day. Bottom line is we are defined by how we handle adversity. Be there when it counts. Love fully in good times and bad.”

Braun has faced a lot of criticism from people who feel that he, and others close to Justin, should have been ensuring that the singer stayed out of trouble.

Lady Gaga has also commented on the situation, urging her fans to support Justin’s. In a post on her website, she said:

> “Hey monsters. I know everyone today is taking about Justin’s arrest and all sorts of words and judgements are happening on the Internet. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and to stand up for themselves, but I think we should be supportive of Beliebers. They deserve, just like any other fan, to feel strong for each other and Justin so they can continue to share the bond they have through music. We may not understand everything celebrities do because there’s only so much we see, but Justin and Beliebers were ‘born this way’ too. Let’s spread love and compassion to Beliebers today. That is what we are all about. Can you trend #MonstersSupportBeliebers ?”


Bieber is reportedly holed up in a posh hotel in Miami currently, which has been surrounded by hundreds of fans.

Currently on police bail, facing charges including driving under the influence and resisting arrest, he left jail yesterday about an hour after court, popping through a window of his black SUV in a hoodie and sunglasses to wave to crowds.