Gerard Butler needed his '300' abs back for Geostorm

It's been ten years since he became best known for saying 'This is Sparta'

Published 20th Oct 2017

Gerard Butler became body inspiration for many when he starred in 300 back in 2007.

Ten years later, he's playing a scientist who created a satellite system that controls the weather in Geostorm.

While he doesn't have his body on show for this role he told our Entertainment Hub he did need a strong core, because pretending to float in space is pretty demanding.

The best way to get those abs? According to Gerard, pilates and push ups.

With a film based around weather, we also decided to be super British and chat to the Scottish actor about the weather.

While we often bemoan our lack of sun and grey skies, Gerard - who's based in LA - misses the variety of our seasons, saying the conversation in Hollywood is always about how beautiful it is!

He partly misses our climate because of the clothing, telling us he has a bit of an obsession with jackets.

Gerard even tries to wear them in California sun - and ends up a sweaty mess.

Watch our chat with Gerard below >>>>

Geostorm is in cinemas now, you can watch the trailer below >>>

And just in case you've forgotten what Gerard's abs looked like in 300 - here's the trailer >>>