WATCH: Whoopi Goldberg slams Cara Delevigne after awkward interview

Cara Delevingne posts funny picture to Instagram following awkward US interview but Whoopi Goldberg delivers harsh blow to model turned actress on 'The View'

Published 3rd Aug 2015

Last week model turned actress Cara Delevingne took part in an interview with the US hosts of 'Good Morning Sacramento', who she later claimed didn't understand Brit humour, making for one of the most awkward interviews we've seen.

The star of the new movie 'Paper Towns' first took to Twitter to defend her actions:

She then showed she does have a sense of humour by posting a picture of herself reading the book that the film is based on. This was in response to the hosts originally asking if she'd read the book before taking the part.

Read the full article and watch the video here.

The Brit/American humour divide had continued on the show 'The View' where Delevigne's attitude came under fire again, with comments including "If you want someone to pay $18 to watch your movie you can't be cranky." Raven-Symone had tried to defend the behaviour as generational difference but Whoopi Goldberg decided to laydown a cutting blow "She's not famous, I'm famous." Watch the full clip here WARNING CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE