WATCH: Rylan Clark-Neal loses it on This Morning over 'Loch Ness monster'

The presenter spotted something out of the ordinary

Published 6th Apr 2016

Rylan Clark-Neal had an epic meltdown on today’s episode of This Morning after hearing the news that the Loch Ness monster had apparently been spotted in the River Thames.

Rylan, who is covering for Eamonn Holmes whilst he recovers from an operation, was spotted looking out of the window as the show began hoping to get a glimpse of Nessie.

After footage emerged of a giant creature lurking in the Thames earlier in the week, the presenter was clearly excited to see the river monster jokingly saying “The Loch Ness monster has gone on holiday and stopped to see Adele at the 02.”

The former X Factor star then went on to say “There’s something going on and I don’t like it!”

Much to her amusement, co-host Ruth Langsford tried to calm Rylan down telling him ‘it was probably just a seal’ but he was adamant it was in fact the famous Loch Ness monster saying “Look at the size of that crane and you call that a seal!?” Before jokingly screaming “We’re all gonna die, this is the end, this is it!”

Viewers of the daytime show were clearly amused by the whole scenario, taking to Twitter to laugh at Rylan’s reaction.

After everything appeared to have calmed down, Ruth decided to give her co-star a fright in the hilarious footage shared by This Morning.

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)0; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); > > > IT'S BEHIND YOU! The more you watch Rylan jump the funnier it gets!> > > Posted by on Wednesday, 6 April 2016

It gets funnier the more you watch!