WATCH: Briana Jungwirth just melted hearts with super cute video of baby Freddie

Warning: Cuteness overload!

Published 13th Apr 2016

He has fast become the most talked about baby on the planet and now Freddie Reign has been filmed being all cute by his mum, Briana Jungwirth.

Briana uploaded the adorable video of her son to Snapchat and it’s totally melted our hearts!

Freddie can be seen giggling away as his mum smothers him in kisses.

We can’t deal with how adorable he is!

Just yesterday, Briana joined Twitter and gushed over how she and father Louis Tomlinson ‘perfectly’ chose their sons name.

In a question and answer session with fans, Briana retweeted drawings of Freddie and Louis as well as telling a fan her relationship with her ex-boyfriend is going well.

Louis also shared another snap of his little man to Instagram this morning. The three-month-old looked adorable as he pictured him sleeping.

How cute!