Vegan Beyonce orders a massive 200 rib eye steaks from a local butcher

She played in Manchester

Published 5th Jul 2016
Last updated 29th Mar 2022

A Manchester butcher has been asked to provide meat for Beyonce's crew while they prepare for her Tuesday 5th July concert in 2016.

Lee Frost of WH Frost Butchers received a call from Queen Bey's management on the Monday with a massive order to keep her crew fed.

The crew, who have been at Old Trafford Cricket Club since Rihanna's concert a week prior, received 200 rib eye steaks and 250 chicken fillets.

The butcher to the stars tweeted again that he had received 'another lovely order' from Beyonce, although the size of the order has not been revealed.

According to Lee this isn't the first time he has received orders from superstars, having provided Rihanna and her team with 20kg of meat last week.

Despite the massive order it is unlikely the star herself will see any of the meat as Beyonce apparently has a vegan diet, although reports last year revealed she had been spotted eating some meat.

Beyonce performed in Manchester on 5th July 2016.