Leonardo DiCaprio gets a standing ovation at the Golden Globes

He won an award for his new film The Revenant

Published 11th Jan 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio received a standing ovation when he accepted an award for best actor at the Golden Globes.

The star accepted the prize for his role in The Revenant as the audience clapped and wolf-whistled.

The actor called it an “incredible honour, that meant so much”.

He added: "Two years ago we found ourselves submerged deep in nature with all its complications and all the beauty that it gave us cinematically.

"This film was about survival, adaptation and the triumph of the human spirit and more importantly it was about trust. There is nobody more deserving of that trust than Alejandro Inarritu.

"I've never had an experience like this in my entire life. The depths he went to are unfathomable."

Alejandro Inarritu won the award of best director that evening.

The film, which tells the biographical story of frontiersman Hugh Glass, also won the award for best drama.

Watch the trailer below.

There are now hopes the star could be up for an Oscar for the film, which fans have been desperate to see after his performances in Blood Diamond and The Wolf of Wall Street.

The Oscar nominations will be announced on January 14th.