Kelly Osbourne calls Katie Hopkins a "sad old woman"

Katie compared the TV presenter to a troll

Published 24th Feb 2015

Kelly Osbourne has called Katie Hopkins “a sad old woman” after the Celebrity Big Brother contestant poked fun at her appearance.

In typical style, Hopkins took to Twitter on Oscars night to savage the appearance of celebrities including Best Actress winner Julianne Moore, Sienna Miller, Rosamund Pike and Cate Blanchett.

However, when she compared the appearance of Kelly Osbourne to that of a troll doll, it rightfully prompted a fierce reaction from Kelly.

Despite still being at the ceremony, where she was hosting for E!, Kelly told Katie: “The perfect role 4 U would be Mr. Cellophane in ‘Chicago’, as your jealousy is that transparent. Aren’t u bored of being mean?”

Continuing to goad Kelly, Katie responded: “bird, you are supposed to be at the oscars. Focus love, focus.”

Hitting back, Kelly said: “That’s right - #CBB is over & no 1 gives a f*** about U anymore. What a sad old woman U R that it takes me to make U relevant.”

The Twitter spat ended with a parting shot from Katie, saying: “love, like Jesus and Lily Allen - it took your dad to make you relevant twinkle xxx get working that carpet.”

As Katie continued to write vitriolic tweets from the comfort of her sofa, Kelly hit the Oscars after party. We all know who the real winner is!