Kate Winslet reveals how she and Leonardo DiCaprio helped ‘save the life’ of a stranger

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Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet
Author: Anna Sky MagliolaPublished 6th Feb 2018
Last updated 6th Feb 2018

Actress Kate Winslet has revealed how she and her Titanic co-star Leonardo DiCaprio helped to save the life of a stranger. The amazing revelation came yesterday during This Morning when a new mum Gemma Nuttall, appeared on the programme.

Gemma had been diagnosed with an aggressive form of ovarian cancer when she was pregnant with her first child and after having months of chemotherapy the cancer unfortunately returned in the form of brain cancer. Sadly after having further treatment she was told the devastating news that it had returned and she had eight new tumours.

After hearing the news Gemma's mum did some research and found a clinic in Germany for the treatment. She set up a GoFundMe page and after around a month she received an email from Kate Winslet's PA saying she wanted to help.

Kate organised events in Los Angeles to raise money for the treatment and explained her reasons behind helping Gemma on This Morning.

This Morning

The Hollywood actress explained how she had lost her mum to ovarian cancer last year and came across Gemma's petition to get the treatment Gemma wanted on the NHS. Kate then admitted her "heart sank" because she thought Gemma would be years away from being able to access that kind of treatment on the NHS. When she found Gemma's GoFundMe page and saw there was only £9000, she thought, "I can't have this happen" and decided to help raise more money.

To raise money for the good cause Kate held some fundraising events and even called her longtime friend and Titanic co-star Leonardo DiCaprio. "I phoned Leo and I said, ‘Do you think we could do a charity dinner or something?’" Kate explained. Then they decided to hold a big fundraising dinner in St Tropez where they auctioned off three dinners with .Jack and Rose'.

Kate went on to reveal that she raised more money than they needed for Gemma's treatment. The extra money will now go on to help others who are in a similar situation.

Watch the full interview with Gemma Nuttall on This Morning below:

This Morning continues on weekdays on ITV.