Guy Ritchie on his latest film, 'The Man From U.N.C.L.E'

Guy Ritchie was back on the red carpet just a few days after getting wed.

Published 10th Aug 2015

Film director, Guy Ritchie was back on the red carpet just a few days after getting wed to the mother of three of his children, Jacqui Ainsley.

As part of the festival-like do his guests got the chance to watch his new film 'The Man From U.N.C.L.E' starring Henry Cavill.

Before the first public showing of his film Guy told In:Demand Showbiz's Lydia that he hadn't see the film before with an audience, other than at his wedding. "It will be interesting for me to see how people respond to it" he commented "whether they boo!"

He also told Lydia he could make a film star out of David Beckham who plays a small part in this film, and told us he has already given him a bigger part in 'King Arthur', the next film Guy is currently working on.

Photo credit: PA Photos