Celebrities offer help to those affected by the London fire

Adele, Rita Ora and Lily Allen are just a few

Adele / Grenfell Tower / Rita Ora
Published 15th Jun 2017
Last updated 15th Jun 2017

Celebrities have come together with Londoners to offer their help to those affected by the London tower block fire. The fire destroyed Grenfell Tower in North Kensington after catching alight in the early hours of yesterday morning (14th June).

As we reported yesterday celebrity chef Jamie Oliver offered those affected free food and drink in one of his restaurants, however he wasn't the only celebrity to offer his help and support.

Singer Lily Allen, who lives near to the tower, described how she was woken by the sound of sirens in the night, later tweeting, 'If anyone need a bed or lift, or tea tweet me'. sic

Rita Ora also posted a photo on Instagram saying it was her 'neighbourhood' and she 'used to play in that block', vowing to do anything she could to help.

Throughout the day actors, singers and TV presenters have all got involved offering their help, with actor Noel Clarke, known for playing Mickey Smith in Doctor Who, volunteering in a nearby sports centre.

TV presenter Rylan Clark-Neal also posted details on how people can help by donating clothes and food for those affected.

Last night pop superstar Adele was spotted with husband Simon Konecki, joining a crowd of people gathering to pay tribute to those affected by the fire.

Twelve people were killed in the fire and many more were injured, London Fire Commissioner Dany Cotton has warned that the number of dead will rise saying there are, "unknown numbers" of people still in the remains of the building.

Anyone concerned about loved ones can call Met Police casualty bureau on 0800 0961 233.