Man jailed for killing man in Derby with one punch
The man died from his injuries in hospital
A man who killed another in one punch in Derby has been jailed.
Tony Marsden punched David Fox once in the face following an argument between the pair in Green Lane, Derby, at 12.30pm on Monday 3 July, 2023.
After the argument, CCTV shows Marsden walking quickly towards Fox. He then punched him once with his right fist to the head.
Fox then fell backwards, hitting his head on the floor and losing consciousness.
Paramedics rushes Fox to Royal Derby Hospital where a scan revealed a serious bleed to the brain.
He was later sent to Nottingham's Queen Medical Centre. He died as a result of his injuries 12 days later.
Marsden was charged with the manslaughter Mr Fox, a charge that he denied.
However, Marsden, of Lockett Drive, Ashbourne, was found guilty earlier this month after a trial at Derby Crown Court.
In a victim impact statement read at court Mr Fox’s brother Nicholas explained the impact that his death had had on him and his family:
“I will always remember that day as it was the start of an ordeal none of us will ever forget.
“I had to inform my family that David might die or never fully recover from this incident. This is news I would never wish to have to pass on. We cried most of that day, a truly horrible day I won’t ever forget.
“My head was constantly spinning and working overtime, I felt frantic and powerless to affect the situation facing me.
“I was there when the medical team turned off David’s life support machine, it only took a few minutes for him to die, and I closed his eyes so he looked more peaceful.
“David was a big part of my life, and we were very close. Although we were very different people, we were brothers and loved each other. On the occasions that I do have to go into Derby, I often see people who I think might be David, then I realise that they can’t be.
“David was my only sibling, we had lost our parent’s a few years earlier, my only other relatives live in London.
“Even now, I still cannot fully tell you how I feel as I am still going through this process of grief. I am grateful for having David in my life but angry that he had been needlessly taken away from us. I am angry that someone took it upon themselves to strike and kill my brother, everything changed in that instant.
“The two weeks in court have been really hard and upsetting. I would like to say that I am glad that justice has been done and a jury have concluded David was unlawfully killed.
“He simply didn’t deserve to be killed.
“I’m not going to sit and write this with any feelings of hatred towards Tony Marsden. The events of that day are tragic for everyone involved. I do feel for his family, and I understand their feelings at this time.
“Time has now elapsed since David’s death and the court result will help heal some wounds. I do feel like a weight has been lifted and my family and I may move forward in life. I am more than aware that for some, the last day in the court room will be the end of the matter, but for me and my family, we will live with this for the rest of our lives.”
Detective Chief Inspector Claudia Musson, who leads the Major Crime Unit that investigated Mr Fox’s death, said: “The death of David Fox was a tragic, needless loss of life.
“My thoughts remain with his family, and I want to thank them for their support and dignity throughout this process, shown especially by Nicholas throughout the investigation and trial process.
“Tony Marsden had so many opportunities to make a different decision on that day in July 2023, but he chose to deliver a punch that, while not intended to kill David, caused his death.
“We have seen on far too many occasions people killed through a decision that could have so easily been avoided.
“David’s loved ones have been left without a brother, uncle and friend and I hope that Marsden reflects on the impact his decision has had on so many lives.”