Jail for Notts anaesthatist who took inappropriate photos of patients

Edward Finn was also found to have thousands of indecent images of children on his devices

Author: Press AssociationPublished 28th Jun 2024

An anaesthetist who took inappropriate photographs of an adult and a child patient and had thousands of indecent images of children on his devices has been jailed for eight years.

Edward Finn, 35, from Cotgrave in Nottinghamshire, attempted to take his own life after his crimes were uncovered, the Crown Prosecution Service has said.

The discovery of unsolicited sexual images on a disused tablet device led to a further examination, which revealed photos of an adult and a child that were known to him, and he was reported to Nottinghamshire Police.

Further investigations into all of Finn's devices revealed thousands of indecent images of children, including more than a hundred in the most serious category, and images of an adult and a child taken during the course of his work.

The adult victim could not be identified from the photograph but the child victim was identified, traced and their parents informed.

When Finn's offending came to light, he made an attempt to end his life before he was arrested and charged with 12 offences.

He pleaded guilty to nine of these offences at a hearing at Nottingham Crown Court in January and was sentenced to a total of eight years' imprisonment, with an extended licence of four years and handed an indefinite sexual harm prevention order on Friday.

Emma Cornell, from the Crown Prosecution Service, said: "Edward Finn's offending was extremely concerning. He targeted victims who were in a vulnerable position and exploited them for his own gratification.

"Finn can have had no doubt that what he was doing was wrong. His victims were horrified to discover what he had been doing and have done the right thing in coming forward. There is no doubt that Finn would have continued with this behaviour had he not been stopped."

He was convicted of three counts of making indecent photographs of children, two counts of voyeurism, three counts of taking indecent photographs of a child and one count of sexual assault of a child.

He pleaded not guilty to three other charges, one of sexual assault, one of theft and one of outraging public decency. Following consultation with those affected, they were left to lie on file.

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