Free breakfast clubs are a positive step says Warwickshire headteacher
Five schools in Warwickshire have been selected to trial the free breakfast club scheme introduced by the Government
The headteacher of a primary school in Warwickshire has chosen to enrol their school into the pilot scheme of the Government's free breakfast clubs.
Wolvey Primary School in Hinkley is one of five schools opting to take part in the county before free breakfast clubs are enrolled across the UK.
The free breakfast clubs aim to is break down barriers to opportunity, as well as tackle the impact of child poverty.
Headteacher at Wolvey Primary School, Matthew Edwards, believes the scheme will help the school to support children and their parents in the community.
Matthew said: "We're here to support and do the best we can for our children and our community.
"Some of my parents do to not physically have the time to feed their children in the morning or maybe struggle with financial and supporting breakfast.
"So this opportunity will allow parents to drop the children off and those children will be able to have breakfast which will prepare them for the day."
Matthew continued to say why breakfast is so important for the wellbeing of children.
Matthew said: "We know that if children don't come into school with breakfast, that's going to have a detrimental effect on the start of their day.
"This scheme is so important in fuelling the children up so their ready to learn but also it will allow them to have a soft start to the day before lessons begin.
"I definitely believe it's a positive step in the right direction."
The pilot trials are expected to start next month before a national roll out later this year.