Man jailed after admitting to offences outside Bridewell Police station during Bristol Riots

Carl Davis, of St Werburgh’s, Bristol, became the 32nd person to be jailed for offences committed during the riot in March 2021

Cael Davis
Author: Oliver MorganPublished 28th Feb 2023
Last updated 28th Feb 2023

A Bristol man has become the 32nd person to have been jailed following the Bristol riots back in 2021.

Today, Carl Davis, of St Werburgh’s, Bristol, admitted rioting outside Bristol’s Bridewell Police station - and today (February 28) has been jailed for the offences at Bristol Crown Court.

Sentencing him to two years and six months, Judge James Patrick described the level of violence he used as “modest” in comparison to others he’d previously jailed.

As with previous cases in which a guilty plea had been entered, Judge Patrick viewed evidence of Davis’ offending outside Bridewell Police Station, including footage from officers’ body worn cameras, CCTV and mobile phone footage.

Video footage taken by Avon and Somerset Police

The 26-year-old was captured on camera kicking officers several times and was also seen kicking and punching the police station window.

Detective Superintendent James Riccio, the senior investigating officer, said: “Carl Davis posed for photographs in front of a burning police van following the awful of events of 21 March 2021.

“Hours earlier he had repeatedly kicked officers and contributed to the breaking of the police station window.

“He was by no means the worst offender on the night, but his actions were still completely unacceptable and it is right he faces the consequences.”

Avon and Somerset Police have also issued a statement, saying they remind all concerned that criminal proceedings relating to the events of Sunday 21 March 2021 are ongoing against other defendants and they have a right to a fair trial.

It is extremely important there should be no reporting, commentary or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.

His sentence of takes the collective total to 98 years and 10 months.

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