Devon man convicted of historic child sex offences in Bristol

David Newbury was called "the Devil" by one of his victims

David Newbury was sentenced at Bristol Crown Court
Author: James DiamondPublished 4th Apr 2022

An elderly Devon man could die in jail, after admitting several serious sexual offences against children in Bristol during the 1970s.

David Newbury, who is 81 and from Clawton in Devon carried out what the judge at Bristol Crown Court called "a campaign of rape" against one victim and indecently assaulted another at properties in Bristol.

He was sentenced on Friday 1 April to 14 years and six months.

In a statement read out in court during the sentencing, one victim referred to Newbury as the Devil.

An investigation was launched after one of the victims contacted police in February 2020.

Investigating officer Ellen Rye said: “Both victims have suffered for decades because of what David Newbury did to them as children.

"He is a dangerous and manipulative sexual offender and justice has finally caught up with him.

“Thankfully the victims were spared having to give evidence in court, but the powerful victim impact statement read out in court showed the terrible impact this sexual offending has had.

“They have both shown incredible levels of resilience and bravery throughout the police investigation and I hope they can now find a way to move forward with their lives."

Avon and Somerset Police say they were able to build a "compelling case" despite the offences being committed so long ago.

"I hope this outcome encourages other victims of non-recent sexual abuse to come forward," officer Rye said.

"If you don’t want to speak to the police, please speak to someone.”

If you have been impacted by this story and want to seek help, you can do so here.

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