Hunger Strike: Weymouth Insulate Britain campaigner now 21 days without food

44 year old Emma Smart says she feels 'resolute' campaigning for insulation in homes is the right thing

Emma Smart from Weymouth
Author: George SharpePublished 7th Dec 2021

Emma Smart from Weymouth's hunger strike at HMP Bronzefield continues into its 21st day as the Insulate Britain supporter vows to continue until the government agrees to take action on fuel poverty and climate by insulating Britain’s homes.

She has been joined on hunger strike by Dr Ben Buse who has now refused food for more than twelve days at HMP Thameside.

On 29th November 44-year-old Emma was moved to the hospital wing at HMP Bronzefield as staff became concerned about her health.

Speaking from prison today Emma, said:

“As we approach the coldest days we have had this year I feel resolute that what I am doing is right. How long can this cowardly government continue to betray its people by delaying the action needed to ensure people in Britain do not have to make the choice whether to eat or heat each winter. Every year at least 8,500 people die in frozen homes, with reports that this year the death toll from fuel poverty will be even greater. In the sixth richest country in the world this is a disgrace.”

Dr Ben Buse, 36, a university researcher from Bristol, began an indefinite hunger strike on 25th November. He is joining Emma in asking the government to take steps to step to reduce carbon emissions by up to 20% by insulating the UK’s housing stock, starting with social housing by 2025.

Ben, who was sentenced on 17th November to four months in prison along with eight other Insulate Britain supporters currently serving sentences of between three and six months, has received a new summons.

He is due to appear at the High Court in London on 14th December along with eight new defendants on a further charge of contempt of court for breaking the government’s injunctions.

Referring to the latest committal hearing, Ben said:

“The continued prosecution by the government of ordinary people who have broken these injunctions after I was imprisoned for speaking up for the 8,500 who will die annually from cold homes is cowardly. When will Boris do the right thing by stopping these prosecutions and start insulating Britain’s homes?"

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