Anger after graffiti sprayed over ambulance

The trust has described it as 'unacceptable'

Published 28th Feb 2022
Last updated 28th Feb 2022

There's anger in Dorset after an ambulance was vandalised with graffiti.

The words 'liar' and 'we lie' were spray-painted on the vehicle while it was parked in Bridport overnight on Saturday.

South Western Ambulance Service says the damage put 'an unnecessary burden' on NHS resources.

In a statement on its Facebook page, the trust said: "Sadly, one of our ambulances was defaced in Bridport, Dorset at the weekend. A crew arriving on shift found this abusive graffiti.

"This anti-social behaviour is unacceptable, and rectifying the damage puts an unnecessary burden on NHS resourcing at a time when it is needed the most.

"We have reported the criminal damage to Dorset Police (crime reference number 55220032796)

"Ambulance staff face the possibility of violence, assault and aggression every time they start a shift. That's why SWASFT supports the #WorkWithoutFear campaign launched today by the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives.

"This ambulance was back on the road very promptly, thanks to the hard work of our colleagues."