Acting CEO Graeme Betts to retire from Birmingham City Council

Professor Betts has been with the authority since 2017 - and taken interim charge three times

Author: Cam HallPublished 8th Aug 2024

The Acting Chief Executive Officer of Birmingham City Council, Professor Graeme Betts, has announced his retirement.

Prof Betts joined the authority in 2017 as director of adult social care.

He has been interim CEO three times - most recently since March after the City Council declared bankruptcy.

Prof Betts was also appointed as Honorary Professor of Social Care at the University of Birmingham in March.

He'll be taking up a new role at the University focusing on leadership, social care and integrated care.

In a statement on the Council's website, Prof Betts said he felt stepping aside was the right decision to allow others to "carry the baton forward."

"When I arrived, I faced many challenges, not least lengthy delays in discharging citizens from hospital, which was leading to poor outcomes for them. With the support of my staff and partners in the NHS, we turned this round achieving some of the best performance in the country and some of the best outcomes.

"I have learned a lot in my time here from citizens too. One of the things that has really struck me is the strength and depth of the community in Birmingham – and their response to COVID was humbling and moving. I will never forget the work of the Neighbourhood Network Services and how they stepped up to support the most vulnerable, at such a difficult time for the nation.

"Work still continues at pace as we reshape the council. I will miss the challenge and I know I’m very fortunate that I do a job that I really enjoy doing."

Birmingham City Council leader Cllr John Cotton paid tribute to Prof Betts' "outstanding service to the people of Birmingham."

"He has enjoyed an outstanding career in public service and I know that his tireless work to improve outcomes for some of our most vulnerable citizens has made a real difference to many Birmingham families.

"Graeme will be missed, not just by his colleagues at the council, but by the many partners and other stakeholders he has worked with across the city."

The City Council's Lead Commissioner Max Caller said Prof Betts had "fully embraced" working with the commissioners "at a time of real challenge and change."

“What has struck me throughout is his personal brand of commitment and integrity which is an example to everybody."