The Hits Radio Breakfast Show with Jo & Sparky

Kickstart your weekdays from 6am

The Hits Radio Breakfast Show with Jo & Sparky

About The Hits Radio Breakfast Show with Jo & Sparky

Kick start your weekday mornings with The Hits Radio Breakfast Show with Jo & Sparky.

To find out a bit more about them, they answered some questions:


What’s your favourite cheesy pick up line?

Do you know what material my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material!

What’s one food you could never bring yourself to eat?

Brussel Sprouts. They are the food of the DEVIL. As a kid you are forced to eat the devil food, but the minute you're a grown up and STILL don't like them (despite what your Mum said), you don't have to ever eat them again! Being a grown up ROCKS!

What fictional character do you wish you could meet?

Charlie Brown. We'd totally be mates. I've thought long and hard about this throughout my life and I feel we're soul mates. We'd probably end up living in the same street and be joint owners of Snoopy. I'd have stricter dog rules than Charlie though. Snoopy would NOT be allowed upstairs and definitely not on the bed! That's the only time Charlie and I would disagree on anything as we're bff's.

Take a look at your phone, what’s your most used emoji?

EYE ROLL!!! I'm assuming this is used mostly when I'm tweeting about either Sparky or my boyfriend!!

If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be?

I immediately want to say Graham Norton. I realise it's there's lots of people to pick from from history but frankly they wouldn't give me the gossip I am certain Graham would. Is it ok to ply him with wine until he spills the goss on EVERYONE he's met.


What do you love the most about being on Hits Radio?

I love have the job of waking the East Midlands up with a smile. The best thing about it is the people that get involved. Sharing stories. Joining in. Sending hilarious texts we can’t read out.

It’s the only thing I’d wake up this early to do.

What do you love the most about your co-host?

She’s awesome. Jo is so much fun to be around. (For a coworker) (she'll do, considering it’s a paid position) (joke).

She’s funny, strong and can sometimes be challenging. But most importantly is 99% up for a laugh.

She’s really organised as well, so it’s like being mates with a boffin at school. She helps me keep it together.

If you could ask your pet three questions what would it be?

I have 3 cats.

The first question id ask is?

“Why are you trying to ruin my carpet?”

The next would be,

“Do you even notice a difference in the flavour of your pouches of food?”

And the 3rd would be.

“What’s I like being totally waited on, with no worries so you can sleep all day and claw the carpet