Your ultimate guide to Married At First Sight UK series 9

The second commitment ceremony has taken place

Author: Alex RossPublished 14 hours ago
Last updated 12 hours ago

After the 2023 series of Married At First Sight UK, featuring couples such as Ella Morgan and Nathanial Valentino, Jay Howard and Luke Worley, and Shona Manderson and Brad Skelly, there's no surprise that reality TV fans have been clamming for more - well, finally, the wait is over!

Following the dramatic series of MAFS Australia earlier this year, excitement is now at an all-time high, as series nine of the UK version has finally arrived!

When did the new series of MAFS UK start?

Series nine of MAFS UK kicked off on Monday 16th September at 9pm.

The exciting news announcing the new season's start date was revealed on E4's Instagram on Wednesday 4th September, with the caption saying: 'Put it in the group chat #MAFSUK is back!'. (sic)

On 21st August, E4 released a first look clip from the new series, showing a groom playing a huge prank on his new bride.

Who are the new contestants on MAFS UK?

Bosses unveiled the 2024 cast on Monday 2nd September, introducing nine brides and seven grooms.

The first intruder brides were unveiled on Tuesday 1st October as 27-year-old Amy, 33-year-old Hannah, and 29-year-old Sionainn. The grooms were then unveiled as 30-year-old Luke, 28-year-old Ryan, and 33-year-old Stephen.

Check them out below:


Age: 28
From: Kent
Occupation: Careers Advisor


Age: 48
From: London
Occupation: Head of Alternative Investments


Age: 31
From: Omagh
Occupation: Fitness coach


Age: 30
From: Surrey
Occupation: Lettings Operations Co-ordinator


Age: 31
From: East Sussex
Occupation: Dog Walker


Age: 29
From: Birmingham
Occupation: Aesthetics Practitioner


Age: 31
From: Bristol
Occupation: Sales Manager


Age: 29
From: Huddersfield
Occupation: Beautician


Age: 27
From: Hertfordshire
Occupation: Office Manager


Age: 27
From: Blackburn
Occupation: Wedding planner


Age: 33
From: Cheshire
Occupation: Health and fitness business owner


Age: 29
From: Scotland
Occupation: Make-up artist


Age: 33
From: Nottingham
Occupation: Barber


Age: 41
From: St Kitts and Nevis
Occupation: Project Engineer


Age: 28
From: Birmingham
Occupation: Aviation Operations


Age: 34
From: New Forest
Occupation: Head Gardener


Age: 24
From: Somerset
Occupation: Engineer


Age: 28
From: Newcastle
Occupation: Mechanic


Age: 32
From: Manchester
Occupation: Painter and Decorator


Age: 28
From: Manchester
Occupation: Bin Man


Age: 30
From: Kent
Occupation: Prison education manager


Age: 33
From: Berkshire
Occupation: Medical technology technician

Who has been matched together on MAFS UK?

The first two weddings took place during episode one on Monday 16th September, including Kieran and Kristina, and Caspar and Emma.

During the second episode on Tuesday 17th September, Eve and Charlie tied the knot, as well as Nathan and Lacey.

On Thursday 19th September, viewers witnessed the weddings between Adam and Polly, and Ross and Sacha.

On Monday 23rd September, Holly and Alex tied the knot, as well as Richelle and Orson.

During the episode on Thursday 3rd October, the first wedding of the intruder cast took place between Amy and Luke. On Monday 7th October, Hannah and Stephen's wedding aired.

Kieran and Kristina

The experts matched 28-year-old Kieran from Newcastle with 31-year-old Kristina from East Sussex.

Wedding and honeymoon:
Things got off to a great start for the pair on their wedding day, with Kieran matching Kristina's high energy. Despite being a little nervous to tell her that he lives in a static caravan in a remote woodland area, Kristina loved the idea, with the pair looking extremely happy together! They couple jetted off to Thailand on their honeymoon and continued to create more of a strong bond, with the pair admitting it had been the best week of their lives.

On return to the UK, Kieran and Kristina moved in together and looked more loved-up than ever, with zero drama, at the first dinner party.

First commitment ceremony:
After a successful first week, Kieran and Kristina looked smitten during the first commitment ceremony, with the par unsurprisingly both choosing to stay, admitting they can't wait to see what the future holds.

Second commitment ceremony:
Kieran and Kristina found experts week incredibly beneficial, with the questions box allowing Kieran to open up and be vulnerable. Kieran and the experts advised Kristina to stop with her self doubt and gave advice on how she could. Kieran also admitted once again that he can totally see himself falling for Kristina, with the pair both choosing to stay for another week.

Caspar and Emma

The experts matched 31-year-old Emma from Bristol with 34-year-old Caspar from New Forest.

Wedding and honeymoon:
Although Caspar admitted he wasn't initially attracted to Emma, his mum and twin sister seemed to love her high energy personality, with the pair telling him to give her a chance. Emma and Caspar had a heart-to-heart chat at the wedding, realising they share in common the fact they've never been a proper relationship before.

During the honeymoon, Caspar admitted once again he wasn't physically attracted to Emma, telling her he hasn't felt a spark with her. Caspar then went on to say certain traits reminded him of his twin sister, before admitting his usual type wasn't a 'curvy person', leaving Emma furious and telling him he needs to have a better view of women. Despite spending the night apart, Caspar and Emma both admitted the next day they wanted to move forward and make things work.

On returning to the UK, Caspar and Emma moved in to their apartment together, but it was clear to see Caspar still had reservations about his wife during the first dinner party, where Emma also told the girls Caspar's remarks about her weight on the honeymoon.

First commitment ceremony:
Emma poured her out at after telling the experts about Caspar's comments on the honeymoon, admitting she did get a little fierce in defending herself. Caspar once again brought up the fact that Emma reminds him too much of his sister, before telling the experts he doesn't understand why they matched the pair together, because they are 'so different on so many levels'. Saying she didn't want to give up on the first hurdle, Emma chose to stay, with Caspar also staying, despite admitting he's not happy.

Second commitment ceremony:
Despite having a more positive week, the pair still aren't living together and admitted they are currently in the experiment as mates. Emma also admitted her struggles about intimacy with Caspar, admitting at the moment she can't see it coming. However, the pair both chose to stay in the experiment, revealing they would move back in together.

Lacey and Nathan

The experts matched 24-year-old Nathan from Somerset with 27-year-old Lacey from Hertfordshire.

Wedding and honeymoon:
Things didn't get off to the best of starts during the couple's wedding, when Nathan accidentally said "wow" when he saw Lacey's twin sister, not realising she wasn't the woman he was about to marry. Lacey wasn't then best pleased when Nathan described her as looking "nice" when he saw her for the first time at the altar.

Despite getting on well during their honeymoon, Lacey had a few reservations over Nathan's emotional intelligence, after she spoke to him about losing people close to her in a car crash. After having a chat about her feelings, Nathan opened up about having ADHD, and apologised for the way he reacted. Nathan later told her he does have emotional maturity and reassured her she can speak to him about anything.

On return to the UK, the pair moved in to their apartment together and attended the first dinner party hand-in-hand.

First commitment ceremony:
The pair were quick to tell the experts how much they are enjoying each other's company, admitting they are already the best of friends. Lacey also praised Nathan for opening up to her about his ADHD, as well as the little things he does for, such as making her breakfast in bed. Unsurprisingly, both Lacey and Nathan chose to stay.

Second commitment ceremony:
Despite missing the second dinner party due to being unwell, Lacey was well enough to attend the second commitment ceremony alongside Nathan. The pair expressed how well things are going for them, with both choosing to stay another week.

Sasha and Ross

29-year-old Sasha and 32-year-old Ross were matched by the experts.

Wedding and honeymoon:

Although there seemed to be an initial attraction between Sasha and Ross at the altar, things took an awkward turn when Sasha confessed she is celibate, with the Aesthetics Practitioner from Birmingham worried about sharing a bed with her new husband. The couple headed off to Barbados on their honeymoon, where Sasha felt a lot more comfortable being around Ross, even letting him share the same bed with her. Sasha also opened up to Ross about being cheated on in the past, revealing more about why she's chose to be celibate. Ross then ended the honeymoon by gifting Sasha a beautiful bunch of flowers and a cute little note.

The pair moved in together on their return to the UK, attending the first dinner party looking very happy together, with both Sasha and Ross gushing about each other to the group.

First commitment ceremony:
The pair confessed how comfortable they feel with each other, admitting they can't imagine spending a day apart. Sacha also told the experts she's never felt so safe in a relationship than she does with Ross. The pair both chose to stay in the experiment.

Second commitment ceremony:
Ross and Sasha revealed to the experts they'd had another great week, with the pair even enjoying a number of kisses during the second dinner party. The pair confirmed they are now so comfortable together and miss each other when they are apart. Saying some lovely words to each other, the pair both chose to stay.

Polly and Adam

The experts matched together 28-year-old Polly and 33-year-old Adam.

Wedding and honeymoon:
Whilst Polly seemed very pleased with her match after seeing him at the altar, the same couldn't be said for Adam, who later confessed his new wife wasn't his 'usual type'. Polly's best friend Alfie was quick to pick up on the negative vibes, with him later telling her what her new husband said. However, the pair were intimate on their wedding night and seemed to head off on their honeymoon in Italy in a good place. Things didn't last long though, when Adam seemed distance from Polly, leading her to confront him about his true feelings towards her.

Despite the drama on the honeymoon, Polly and Adam moved in together when they returned from Italy, but things kicked off between the pair at the first dinner party, when Adam's conversation rating Polly a 'four' was misheard by the girls, resulting in Polly walking away from the table in tears.

First commitment ceremony:
The pair addressed Adam's lack of physical attraction to Polly with the experts, with Paul, Mel and Charlene giving him some great advice, revealing he's missing out on an 'incredible opportunity'. Paul also called out Adam for being intimate with Polly on their wedding night, leading Polly to get emotional and open up about being rejected in the past. After the chat, the pair both chose to stay in the experiment.

Second commitment ceremony:
After they endured an argument at the second dinner party, things were tense on the couch between Polly and Adam, with Polly going on to explain why she was upset with Adam's answer during the honesty box task. Adam later left the experts in shock with his words, where he admitted he'd give her permission to go with another guy if she wanted. Despite this, Polly and Adam both chose to stay.

Holly and Alex

29-year-old Holly and 28-year-old Alex were matched by the experts.

Wedding and honeymoon:
Things started off very well for the pair, with their wedding ceremony going without any hiccups and clear chemistry between the two. However, Holly was concerned about telling Alex that she is a mum-of-two. Holly broke the news as they were getting their photographs taken, with Alex admitting it wouldn't be his preference due to not having any experience as being a dad. He did however tell Holly's friend it's something which wouldn't be a problem if he fell in love with Holly, and later admitted to Holly sees the pair working out, before presenting her with a huge bunch of red roses.

The pair headed of to The Maldives on their honeymoon, where they endured a fiery argument early on after Holly wasn't happy her husband chose to sleep when they first arrived. After an emotional chat, where Holly opened up the failure of her last relationship, the pair put their argument behind them and seemed to enjoy the rest of their honeymoon. Alex also confessed to Holly the more time he spends with her, the more he realises he likes her.

Things seemed to be amazing between the pair as they moved in together, but not long into the first dinner party, Holly was made aware of Alex's wife-swap comments on the stag do, leaving her fuming. After she confronted him about his comments, the pair got into an argument which rolled out across the night, with Alex even picking up his chair and moving to the other end of the table.

First commitment ceremony:
Following their argument at the dinner party, tensions were high as they sat on the couch apart, with some pretty awful body language. Alex was also not wearing his ring, saying to Holly if they weren't in the experiment he would have 'ghosted' her by now. After being called immature by Paul, the pair spoke about how the problems started, with Holly breaking down in tears, leading Alex to try an explain his stag do comment further. Alex shocked the group by saying he wanted to leave, but because Holly chose to stay, the pair remained in the experiment.

Second commitment ceremony:
Holly and Alex endured another fiery week, with Alex even moving out of the couple's apartment, and the pair arriving separately at the second dinner party. Despite the little arguments, Holly and Alex kissed and made-up and admitted they know they have to work to do on their relationship, but would like to put the work in. The pair both chose to stay.

Richelle and Orson

48-year-old Richelle and 41-year-old Orson are the oldest couple on this year's experiment.

Wedding and honeymoon:

Initial vibes were really good for these two, with the pair sharing Caribbean heritage. However, Richelle's inquisitiveness during their photoshoot seemed to annoy Orson, with him expressing his concerns to his friends. Orson later spoke to his bride to reveal he was overwhelmed with her questions, with Richelle admitting she appreciated him opening up.

The pair headed off to Mauritius on their honeymoon, and whilst it started well for the two, Richelle later told the cameras she didn't trust her husband. Richelle also expressed she wanted Orson to ask more questions, admitting she doesn't know if she will ever be able to take her guard down or relax. Later in the episode, she was seen walking off from her husband, saying: "Sorry guys I think I'm done."

Despite hoping Richelle would come round, Orson moved into their apartment alone, and attended the first dinner party alone, with Richelle nowhere to be seen.

First commitment ceremony:
Richelle surprised Orson by showing up at their apartment on the day of the first commitment ceremony, much to the delight of Orson. The pair chatted through their differences with the experts and discussed what went wrong on their honeymoon. After being told they are either 'fully in or out' of the experiment, both chose to stay to work things out.

Second commitment ceremony:
Following a much more positive week, Richelle admitted to the experts she's used to a more up and down relationship, but did confess she has no complaints about Orson. The pair both chose to stay another week.

Amy and Luke

27-year-old Amy and 30-year-old Luke were the first of the intruder couples to get married.

Wedding and honeymoon:
Whilst initial attraction was certainly there for these two, Amy was a little put off by Luke's intense eye-contact and compliments, with her even telling the camera it was giving her the 'ick' a little. Despite this, after a pep talk from her bridesmaids, Amy revealed to Luke she's never been with a gentleman before so she was a little taken-a-back by his kind behaviour.

Hannah and Stephen

The experts matched 33-year-old Hannah with 33-year-old Stephen. The pair were the second intruder couple to get married during series nine.

Wedding and honeymoon:
Hannah and Stephen got off to a good start on their wedding day, even enjoying a snog after their vows! During the reception, Hannah was shocked to learn Stephen had been married before and that he has four children, and she was quick to ask if he would be open to having more, due to her really wanting to be a mum one day. Despite this, Stephen was happy with the way Hannah reacted, with the pair enjoying the day and admitting they do have an instant connection.

Eve and Charlie - LEFT

The experts matched 31-year-old Eve from Omagh with 30-year-old Charlie from Surrey, with the pair being the only same-sex couple in series nine.

Wedding and honeymoon:
The couple were both besotted with each other on their wedding day, but they did discover they have different personality types when it comes to resolving drama. On the honeymoon, Eve expressed concerns about how quickly Charlie wanted things to move, with the pair getting into a heated argument when Eve took herself away for some space, staying in a separate apartment. After Eve did the same thing again 24 hours later, things kicked off once again, with Eve walking away from her wife in tears.

Their honeymoon ended on another argument, with Eve once again walking off, whilst Charlie said took her ring off and said she was leaving the experiment.

In a shock to viewers, the pair did reunite back in the UK, attending the first dinner party hand-in-hand. But whilst Charlie seemed to be telling the group everything was OK between the two, Eve was more honest, revealing some of the issues they'd encountered, as well as announcing she was staying in a separate apartment to Charlie.

First commitment ceremony:
After a teary chat with the experts about the events which took place on their honeymoon, Charlie was quick to admit she wants things to work out with Eve, choosing to stay. Although she didn't seem as convinced, Eve also chose to stay.

Second commitment ceremony:
Following another tough week between the pair, which saw them living apart and Eve refusing to take part in the expert's activities, Charlie and Eve left the experiment during the second commitment ceremony. Eve was slammed by fans for listening in on Charlie's private conversations on camera, with many viewers also accusing her of 'gaslighting' Charlie throughout.

When were the dinner parties?

The first dinner party took place during the episode on Wednesday 25th September.

The second dinner part took place during the episode on Tuesday 1st October, where Polly accused Charlie of being a 'bully' towards Eve.

When were the commitment ceremonies?

The first commitment ceremony took place during the episode on Thursday 26th September.

The second commitment ceremony took place during the episode on Wednesday 2nd October, where Eve and Charlie became the first couple to leave the experiment.

When was filming for MAFS UK?

It's understood successful applicants were asked to be available for filming 'from January', with MAFS UK 2023 star Luke Worley revealing filming had kicked off in mid-January.

Sharing a throwback snap from behind-the-scenes of his own wedding last year, Luke wrote: 'MAFS UK 2024 weddings start filming today - Good luck to all the brides and grooms'. (sic)

He posted the snap on Monday 15th January.

What channel is it on?

The 2024 series airs on E4, with episodes also available on the streaming platform.

What days is MAFS UK on?

MAFS UK airs Monday-Thursday every week, there's no episodes on Friday-Sunday.

What time is it on?

The series typically begins at 9pm for one hour, with a few exceptions.

Can I apply for MAFS UK?

Unfortunately, applications for the 2024 series of MAFS UK closed on 1st January 2024.

The application website stated that anybody who would like to appear on the show must be over the age of 18, writing: 'In this unique relationship series about married life, a panel of matchmaking experts will be there to help you find the one'.

Applications for MAFS 2025 opened in July. You can apply right here.

Applications for the 2025 series are due to close 1st February 2025.

Who is still together from MAFS UK?

Although the 2024 cast aren't allowed to reveal if they are still together until the series has aired on TV, a number of them have drops some major hints.

MAFS UK: Are Kieran and Kristina still together?

MAFS UK: Are Emma and Caspar still together?

MAFS UK: Are Eve and Charlie still together?

MAFS UK: Are Holly and Alex still together?

MAFS UK: Are Ross and Sacha still together?

After meeting on the show during the 2021 series, Adam and Tayah got married for real in December 2023, sharing the cutest photos to social media.

From 2022, Jenna and Zoe are the only couple to remain together, but so far, the 2023 series has been slightly more successful, with a number of couples staying together after the show.

Check out which couples from MAFS 2023 are still together:

Paul and Tasha - TOGETHER

25-year-old Tasha from Leeds was matched with 26-year-old Paul from Chesham by the experts. Despite Paul's mum totally disagreeing with the wedding, things seemed to get off to a pretty good start for the two, With an instant attraction to each other and good chat!

Paul and Tasha later headed off to Costa Rica on their honeymoon, where the good vibes continued. After getting to know each other more throughout the week, and being intimate with each other, the pair returned back to the UK very happy!

Entering the first dinner party hand-in-hand, Paul and Tasha's first commitment ceremony also couldn't have gone any better, with the pair telling the experts that living together felt 'normal'. After admitting a spark has been there from the moment they met, Paul also said Tasha was not only his wife, but his best friend, with both choosing to stay.

As the pair moved in together, they took their physical intimacy to the next level! And during confessions week, Tasha was able to open up to Paul about her struggles in opening up about her feelings. During the second commitment ceremony, Paul revealed he was falling in love with Tasha, with Tasha admitting she also feels the same way, she's just unable to say it at the moment. Following their chat with the experts, both chose to stay in the experiment.

Another week, another positive experience for Paul and Tasha! With things continuing to go well, the pair once again chose to stay, with a huge smile on their faces.

Despite Tasha clashing with new bride Erica, she and Paul were still going strong in Friends and Family Week. Following a frosty start to the dinner party, Paul stuck by his girl and supported her through a disagreement with Erica. The pair then chose to stay during the commitment ceremony.

Paul and Tasha also breezed through Love/Hate week, with Tasha admitting her feelings were growing stronger and stronger for Paul. During the penultimate commitment ceremony, the pair chose to stay.

Despite Paul's friends admitting they didn't like the way Tasha speaks to him, Paul and Tasha told the experts things were still great for the two, with them deciding to stay during the final commitment ceremony.

Are Tasha and Paul still together?
Although MAFS expert Paul C Brunson hinted a lot of drama was to come for Tasha and Paul, the pair declared their love for each other during their final vow ceremony and looked happier than ever as the attended the reunion together.

Judging by the pair's social media activity since the show ended, it looks like these two have stayed together - with Paul even sharing a sweet birthday post for Tasha in July 2024.

Matt and Shona - TOGETHER

In a huge shock, MAFS UK stars Matt and Shona confirmed they are now in a relationship following the end of the show. Speaking to OK! Magazine, the pair confirmed they met at the reunion show in June and have been dating ever since, keeping their relationship a secret until the 2023 series aired.

The pair gushed about each other in an interview, as well as posting a cute video kissing on Instagram. The pair are still very much together, with them still posting plenty of cute couple content on their Instagrams.

Erica and Jordan - SPLIT

The experts matched Sheffield lad Jordan and Scottish girl Erica! Although both had an initial attraction to each other at the altar, Erica was slightly put off by the way Jordan kept talking about himself and over her during conversations.

Despite this, things took a positive turn when they headed off to Antigua on their honeymoon, with Erica and Jordan finding a deeper connection, and Jordan doing everything he could to make his wife feel special for her birthday. The pair also got intimate on the trip, before returning to the UK very happy.

As the pair attended their first commitment ceremony, they were quick to gush about each other, admitting they've been on an upward journey. Unsurprisingly they both chose to stay.

The following week, things still seemed to be going strong for the pair, with Jordan sticking by Erica and supporting her through a conflict with fellow bride Tasha. During the commitment ceremony, the pair confirmed things were going well, with Jordan admitting it felt like he's known Erica for years. Unsurprisingly, the pair both chose to stay in the experiment.

Despite the drama with Luke, which saw Luke and his wife Jay being removed from the show, Jordan's romance with Erica was still going strong going into the penultimate commitment ceremony. Jordan gushed about his feelings for his wife, before both chose to stay in the experiment for another week.

Things continued to be a bit on edge for Erica and Jordan, with the couple being stopped by the experts for 'point scoring' during the final commitment ceremony. Following a long chat, the pair admitted they really want things to work out, both choosing to stay in the experiment.

Are Erica and Jordan still together?
During the final vow ceremony, Erica addressed some of the low points the pair had endured during the experiment, admitting the time apart before the final vow allowed her to reflect on the pair's relationship. Despite this, she went on to admit she sees a future with Jordan on the outside, with the pair leaving the final vow ceremony as a couple!

However, the reunion show brought some major drama for the pair, after Jordan was accused of kissing another girl during a night out with the boys. Things got heated between Erica and Jordan in front of the group, with both left very angry at the situation.

Despite the drama, it appears the pair have remained together, with Erica posting a photo with Jordan on Instagram, alongside the telling caption: 'What an absolute rollercoaster ✨🤍 This has been one of the most challenging, incredible journeys of my entire life and I wouldn't change any of it for the world! I'm so proud of us 💍Let's see what chapter 2 has in store'. (sic)

At the end of February, just days after the second reunion show, Erica shared a statement on Instagram to confirm the pair had split, admitting there is no bad blood between the two.

Georges and Peggy - SPLIT

The experts matched together 32-year-old Peggy from Kent and 30-year-old Georges from Surrey. The pair got off to a good start at the alter, with Peggy admitting that Georges was 100% her type. However, things got a little tense during the reception, when Peggy's sister was less than impressed.

Following the wedding, the pair headed off to Thailand on their honeymoon, where Peggy was pushed to breaking point after disagreeing with Georges' opinions on posting adult content online. However, after thinking about his words, Georges later apologised and the pair made-up towards the end of the trip, with Peggy admitting she's keen to get to know him more.

During the first commitment ceremony, despite admitting things were 'going really well', Peggy brought up Georges' online gaming squats, which left her very uncomfortable and emotional. However, after Georges admitted he happy to leave that hobby in the past now he's married, the pair looked to move forward, both choosing to stay in the experiment, with Peggy saying she can now put it behind her.

Confessions week brought another curveball for Peggy and Georges due to their differences on wanting children, which was highlighted in the values task. Peggy later got emotional during the second commitment ceremony, admitting she was scared of falling in love, and questioned whether Georges was too good to be true. Georges also reassured Peggy he was happy to go at her pace for sex, with both making the decision to stay another week.

Following 'the toughest week' so far, following Georges' behaviour towards Porscha at the dinner party, Peggy admitted it had a negative impact on their relationship, revealing they'd grown apart. Despite getting emotional and admitting the process is the hardest thing she's ever had to do, both Peggy and Georges chose to remain in the experiment.

Georges' nerves were clear heading in to Friends and Family Week, with the 30-year-old nervous to face Peggy's sister once more. It's fair to say that he got a grilling from Peggy's sister and mum, with things taking an even more awkward turn when Peggy brought up a rather X-rated topic concerning Georges. Despite concerns whether Peggy finds him attractive, the pair chose to stay during the commitment ceremony.

Love/Hate week brought some major problems for Peggy and Georges, after Peggy couldn't see past the online requests Georges' gets during gaming. Peggy also had worries that Georges acts differently in front of other people to when he is with her, leading Peggy to defend her husband to other members of the cast who don't see the real him. During the penultimate commitment ceremony, Peggy chose to leave the experiment after revealing she couldn't take anymore, admitting she doesn't think Georges listens to her. However, after Georges chose to stay, Peggy agreed to stay for another week, giving Georges once last chance to save their relationship.

Despite Home Stays week not exactly going smooth, with Peggy's parents repeatedly saying they didn't think Georges was the one for her, the couple made up and looked happy at the final commitment ceremony. The pair chose to stay.

Are Peggy and Georges still together?
Despite Peggy's family seemingly trying to make her dump Georges, she chose to follow her heart during the final vow ceremony, with the pair staying together! After the ceremony, both Peggy and Georges hinted they were still together on social media, before confirming the good news during an appearance on Steph's Packed Lunch on Tuesday 15th November, where they confessed they do have plans to move in together in the future.

Despite this, the pair shocked fans on Valentine's Day in 2024, releasing statements to confirm they'd split and that they were both heartbroken about it. Neither Peggy or Georges are yet to confirm the reason for their break-up.

Luke and Jay - SPLIT

30-year-old Sales Executive Luke was matched with 31-year-old Sales Manager Jay during episode one of the 2023 series. Despite admitting she often feels rejected due to being born without part of her left arm, Luke quickly put Jay at ease during their wedding, with him even telling Jay's sister that he thought it was a great match.

The pair headed off to the Caribbean for their honeymoon, and they wasted no time in getting to know each other more! As well as getting intimate, Jay and Luke grew closer with honest chats about their childhood and past.

The couple were all smiles and relaxed together on the sofa during the first commitment ceremony, admitting their sex life is also going very well. Unsurprisingly, both Luke and Jay chose to stay another week.

After moving in together and taking part in confessions week, Jay and Luke's connection grew even stronger, with Luke getting emotional about how happy he is during the second commitment ceremony. The pair chose to stay in the experiment for another week.

During the third commitment ceremony, Luke and Jay confirmed things were going so well they were panicking things would end when they left the experiment. However, following some reassurance by the experts, both Jay and Luke chose to stay.

During Friends and Family Week, the pair confided in their loved ones about their worries, with Luke revealing that the experiment made him realise that he does not want to move away from his home. Despite this, the pair still appeared as smitten as ever and chose to stay for another week during the commitment ceremony.

During the penultimate commitment ceremony, Luke and Jay were forced to leave by the experts after Luke was involved in a 'physical altercation' with fellow cast member Jordan. As Luke initiated the fight and took full responsibility, he was asked to leave by bosses, meaning Jay also had to leave.

Are Luke and Jay still together?
The pair left together as a couple and decided to go on holiday after being kicked off the show. However, Jay and Luke shocked fans during the reunion show when they arrived alone, with Jay going on to tell her fellow cast mates that Luke ended things, admitting he thought they were better off as friends. The pair both got emotional about the situation at the reunion dinner party, but it looks like they didn't rekindle their romance and have stayed as friends.

Arthur and Laura - SPLIT

The experts chose to match 34-year-old Tennis Coach Arthur with 34-year-old Finance Manager Laura during the opening episode. Things didn't get off to the best start at the altar, with Laura admitting Arthur wasn't her usual 'Chelsea boy' type, but that didn't stop him saying the 'L word' in his vows.

Things took a more positive turn when they headed off to Mexico on their honeymoon, getting to know each other more and spending some alone time. After Laura confronted Arthur about getting his vows off the Internet, he surprised her during dinner by writing new ones from the heart.

During the first commitment ceremony, Arthur opened up about his past and made himself vulnerable, leading to both of them choosing to stay in the experiment for another week.

Arthur didn't feature during confessions week due to illness, meaning Laura attended the second dinner party and second commitment ceremony alone. Despite this, she was quick to reveal things were good between the pair, with Arthur even giving the experts a letter to read out to her during the commitment ceremony. Both chose to stay another week.

After Arthur returned, the pair confessed they were enjoying spending time together and have become more intimate. During the third commitment ceremony, they both chose to stay another week.

Friends and Family Week saw Laura's friends concerned about Arthur, with him revealing that re-writing his vows only took 10 minutes. Laura then appeared worried that she has to baby Arthur, likening him to a puppy. Despite this, they entered the dinner party strong, with Laura gushing with her fellow wives over how handsome Arthur looked. During the commitment ceremony, Laura confirmed things were going well, with the pair deciding to stay.

Although things between them were going well, the Laura and Arthur faced some issues during the couple's retreat, with many of the cast accusing Laura of treating Arthur like her child. Although Arthur denied the claims, Laura admitted she's now conscious of the way she speaks and acts around him, revealing she would hate for anybody to think that about her. Despite the views of others, Arthur and Laura seemed stronger than ever, with the pair growing closer by the week. During the penultimate commitment ceremony, the couple chose to stay.

Home Stays week saw more tension rise for Arthur and Laura, with Laura's friends even getting into an argument with her husband. Although the drama wasn't what the pair needed, they did decide to both stay during the final commitment ceremony.

Are Arthur and Laura still together?
During the final vow ceremony, Arthur's vows certainly made up for his wedding day vows, with the tennis coach admitting he was ready to make things work with Laura outside of the experiment. HOWEVER, Laura delivered a huge blow during her vows, when she ended the relationship, telling Arthur he's made her realise what she didn't want in a marriage. Admitting he was 'gutted', Arthur left the experiment a single man.

Despite the awkward dumping, the pair seemed civil during the reunion show.

Adrienne and Matt - SPLIT

Despite arriving half-way into the experiment, 29-year-old Matt and 26-year-old Adrienne got off to a great start, immediately having a connection on their wedding day. The pair, who are both into fitness and going to the gym, seemed very happy with their match!

Things seemed to be going well for the couple as they jetted to Tenerife on their honeymoon - until Matt branded Adrienne a 'show off'. Upset by her husband's remarks, the pair's holiday went through a rocky patch. As the dinner party came around, however, the pair seemed to have patched things up. They then couldn't have looked happier during their first commitment ceremony, which saw them both choosing to stay in the experiment.

During the pair's second commitment ceremony, Adrienne expressed doubt that the pair have different personalities, admitting she'd like Matt to be more out of his shell. Despite this, the pair revealed they are getting on great, both deciding to stay in the experiment.

After admitting Home Stays week would be 'make or break' for the couple, Adrienne and Matt actually had a great time during the week, deciding they'd like more time in the experiment to work on their romantic relationship.

Are Adrienne and Matt still together?
After shocking viewers by staying together during the final vow ceremony, after opening up about their differences on wanting children, it had looked like future was bright for the pair. However, during the reunion show, Adrienne and Matt arrived alone, with Adrienne admitting to her fellow cast mates that the pair had split.

It has now been confirmed that Matt is in a relationship MAFS co-star Shona Manderson.

Ella and JJ - SPLIT

After failing to find a connection with their original partners Nathanial and Bianca, Ella and JJ decided to pursue the 'connection' they felt, with the experts allowing them to re-enter as a new couple. The pair shocked the rest of the cast when they turned up at the couple's retreat.

During Ella and JJ's first commitment ceremony as a new couple, the pair looked smitten together and thanked the experts for allowing them to return together. After Ella admitted her insecurities could be a problem for the two, JJ reassured her, with both deciding to stay in the experiment.

Ella and JJ ended up in an argument when Ella was drunk, which led to him telling the experts he doesn't know if anybody will ever be good enough her. Despite this, the couple chose to stay in the experiment to work on their relationship.

Are Ella and JJ still together?
In what was a very emotional final vow ceremony, Ella and JJ both opened up about their experience with one another on the show, thanking each other for being there. However, the pair both agreed they were better off as friends and left the experiment single.

JJ is now dating Katie Price, whilst Ella has signed up for the 2024 series of Celebs Go Dating.

Thomas and Rozz - SPLIT

The experts matched together 28-year-old Florist Rozz and 27-year-old Investment Communications Manager Thomas. Things got off to a pretty awkward start between the pair, with viewing left cringing at their nuptials and photoshoot.

When Rozz and Thomas headed off to Austria on their honeymoon, things continued to go slow, with Rozz complaining about Thomas' lack of affection. When the pair had a chat over dinner, Thomas apologised, admitting he'd make more of an effort.

After moving in together and attending the first dinner party, things seemed to take a positive turn for the pair when they consummated their marriage. However, whilst sitting on the sofa with the experts, Thomas revealed he felt like Rozz ignored him in the day that followed, leaving him confused. Despite admitting she thought she'd feel something in her heart after being intimate, Rozz admitted she didn't currently have any feelings. However, after a chat with the experts, both chose to stay to work on their relationship.

During Confessions Week, things were still awkward between Thomas and Rozz, with Rozz admitting to the experts she didn't know if she needed more time, or if she just wasn't feeling things with Thomas. Despite this, both chose to stay to try and work on their relationship, with expert Mel Schilling advising the pair to have more deeper conversations.

Things took a positive turn for Thomas and Rozz, with the pair getting intimate again and Rozz admitting 'something is definitely growing' between the pair. Both chose to stay in the experiment.

The pair seemed even stronger as Friends and Family Week came around. Despite Thomas going rather red when Rozz opened up with her parents in front of him, the pair's friends and family were happy for the couple. They both chose to stay during the commitment ceremony.

Things took another positive turn during Love/Hate week, with Thomas even exploring more adventure in the bedroom, by buying Rozz a number of sex toys. After admitting they now feel like a proper couple, the pair both chose to stay during the penultimate commitment ceremony.

Despite things looks like they were on the up, Home Stays Week caused serious trouble for Thomas and Rozz, with Rozz admitting she 'checked out' from Thomas whilst being surrounded by her loved ones. During the final commitment ceremony, Rozz poured her heart out and revealed her true feelings, resulting in the pair leaving the experiment.

Are Thomas and Rozz still together?
Although they aren't in a romantic relationship, Thomas and Rozz took to social media after their exit episode aired, revealing they are still the very best of friends. Rozz is now dating a man called Jordan Morris, whilst Thomas set tongues wagging that he could be dating MAFS Australia star Tahnee Cook, after the pair were spotted enjoying a date in London in May.

Brad and Shona - SPLIT

31-year-old performing arts teacher Shona was matched with 27-year-old model Brad by the experts, and on first impression, this is a match made in heaven! Both very spiritual, these two hit it off from the moment they locked eyes on each other, with Brad openly telling Shona he is a dad to a young boy. After a successful wedding and reception, where their families also approved, fans have high hopes!

Things continued to go very well as the pair jetted off to the Maldives on their honeymoon. After spending a week together and being very intimate with each other, Brad confessed he was 'falling in love' with Shona. Then, as they attended the first dinner party, the pair couldn't keep their hands off each other, admitting to the cast that they are 'in love'.

During the first commitment ceremony, the pair confessed to the experts that they do both fall in love fast, but confirmed they definitely do love each other, both choosing to stay.

Cracks started to appear in Brad and Shona's relationship during confessions week, when Brad called his wife immature, childish and naive, leading viewers to accuse him of 'love bombing' her. Things took another bad turn during the second dinner party, when the other couples dubbed the pair the least genuine, leading Shona to get upset, much to Brad's annoyance. Despite this, the pair both chose to stay for another week in the experiment.

During the third commitment ceremony, the experts told the group that Brad and Shona had hit a 'difficult moment' in their marriage, and revealed they wouldn't be joining them. Charlene confirmed the experts would be catching up with the pair separately.

After catching up with the experts privately, a decision was made that Brad and Shona would leave the experiment, with Paul, Charlene and Mel admitting the environment was not working for the couple.

Are Brad and Shona still together?
Despite still being a couple when they were removed from the experiment, Brad and Shona quickly split in the real world, with Brad now dating model Hollie Baldwin. Shona is also now with fellow MAFS star Matt Pilmoor.

Sean and Mark - SPLIT

The final wedding of the series saw 31-year-old Sean and 36-year-old Mark get married. Things didn't get off to the best of starts when Mark turned up to the ceremony late, before going on to lie about his age and admitting he didn't have an initial attraction to Sean. Despite the shaky start, Mark later confessed about his lie, with Sean seemingly reassuring his new husband he wouldn't hurt him.

Things appeared to be on the up as the pair headed to Lapland on their honeymoon. Sharing some kisses throughout the honeymoon, Mark thanked Sean for his care and effort. Despite having a slight wobble, as a result of Sean telling Mark to prepare for things to 'not always be good', the pair looked happy together as they entered their first dinner party, and both chose to stay during their first commitment ceremony.

Sean and Mark had a little disagreement following the couple's retreat, after Sean hurt Mark's feelings by saying he'd twist if he had another option. However, after speaking to the experts, the pair opened up and got emotional about their situation, but they both chose to stay for another week.

However, after receiving a letter from Ella and JJ, Sean realised his true feelings and later decided to call things off with Mark at the dinner party. In emotional scenes, Sean confessed he wanted to leave the experiment, with the boys later saying their goodbyes.

Are Sean and Mark still together?
After things didn't work out on the show, the pair didn't speak to each other until the reunion show.

Terence and Porscha - SPLIT

The experts chose to match 36-year-old Porscha with 40-year-old Terence, with their wedding airing on Monday 25th September. Despite an initial physical attraction, it was quick to come to light that the pair had different lifestyles, with Terence working in the clubs as a DJ, and Porscha being more of a home bird. However, the pair did have the same views on a number of things, and they both have children, so let's see how their honeymoon plays out.

When they headed off to a luxury villa in Morocco for their honeymoon, things took another bad turn, with the pair getting into a big argumenta over dinner after Terence admitted he'd cheated on previous partners.

During the first dinner party, Terence and Porscha showed up separately, with another huge argument in front of the group after Terence refused to greet his bride. The couple then looked distanced on the sofa during the first commitment ceremony, with both Terrence and Porscha venting their frustrations to the experts. After taking advice from the experts, the pair apologised to each other, but Terence chose to leave. However, after Porscha chose to stay, the pair will have to try and fix their relationship.

In a huge turnaround, after Terence and Porscha moved in together and took part in confessions week, the pair grew closer and were like a different couple during the second commitment ceremony, with both choosing to stay for another week.

However, things took a sour turn when Porscha kissed other grooms during a playful game of spin the bottle. Although Porscha chose to stay another week, Terence left everybody in shock by choosing to leave, admitting he could no longer handle the drama. Porscha admitted his decision was a 'massive shock', saying she thought 'they were great'. Although she said she wasn't going to change her decision, Terence was adamant he was leaving the show, meaning the couple's journey came to an abrupt end.

Are Terence and Porscha still together?
The pair didn't stay together after leaving the experiment and it's safe to say things were very awkward between the pair at the reunion.

Nathanial and Ella - SPLIT

Pansexual contestant Nathanial was paired with the show's first ever transgender bride Ella during the second episode of the new series. Despite 29-year-old Ella being worried Nathanial might reject her, the pair had an instant connection, and looked like they'd been together years on their wedding day!

However, as the pair jetted off to Mexico on their honeymoon, things quickly took a bad turn, with the two embroiled in a number of arguments. Nathanial called Ella a "liar" and accused her of showing off around other people. Ella tried to work things out, inviting him to dinner, but the events planner chose to stay in his room and eat a pizza alone.

After Ella apologised as they moved in together, the pair attended the first dinner party hand-in-hand, with Nathanial being supportive of Ella as she told the group she was transgender. Despite a rocky start to their first commitment ceremony, where they discussed the drama on the honeymoon and aired out their true feelings with each other, the couple both chose to stay, admitting they were keen to get to know each other more.

Nathanial and Ella had more issues during confessions week, when Nathanial admitted he thought Ella was immature. Despite Ella emotionally walking out of the second commitment ceremony, Nathanial went after his wife and reassured her they were in it together, with both deciding to stay in the experiment for another week.

The pair enjoyed another week after 'letting go', but Ella continued to express her worries at being 'friend zoned' by Nathanial during the third commitment ceremony. Despite this, Ella did confess she can see herself growing, leading both Ella and Nathanial to stay another week.

It's fair to say Friends and Family Week was nothing short of dramatic for the pair. Following the revelation that Ella and cast mate JJ would like to 'kiss' each other, Nathanial wasn't happy with this news, and was further enraged when he found out Ella had been texting JJ - with them even meeting up. After an explosive dinner party, Nathanial branded Ella a "liar", and feeling "fed up", he stormed out and left the experiment.

Following Nathanial's exit, Ella attended the commitment ceremony alone, where things kicked off again when Bianca wasn't happy with her level of apology. Ella later confirmed to the experts that she did want to get to know JJ further.

Are Ella and Nathanial still together?
Nope! Ella actually re-entered the experiment with fellow groom JJ. Nathanial decided not to attend the reunion.

Bianca and JJ - SPLIT

29-year-old Bianca and 30-year-old JJ were the first of the late arrivals to be matched by the experts! After JJ admitted he was ready to settle down, it wasn't quite love at first sight for the Essex boy, with him even admitting to his new wife on the wedding day that he'd previously dated a Victoria Secret Model.

The pair headed off to Mauritius on their honeymoon, and despite Bianca wanting more from her husband, JJ had his reservations, leaving his wife incredibly frustrated. Following an argument, Bianca and JJ spent their final day apart, before meeting up later in the evening for dinner, where Bianca asked her husband if he fancied her. JJ was honest in his answer, admitting Bianca isn't the type he usually goes for, and revealed again that he wants to take things at a slow pace.

During the couple's first meeting with the experts at the commitment ceremony, JJ once again brought up the fact Bianca isn't the usual type of girl he goes for, with Bianca admitting to the experts that she thinks JJ is moving too slow, worrying she is going to 'check out' and 'shut it down' as a friendship. Despite this, the pair both chose to stay and take on the feedback.

Things took a sour turn the next week, following the revelation that JJ had a 'connection' with bride Ella. After exchanging text messages, he and Ella enjoyed a flirty meet up - with JJ and Bianca staying in separate apartments at the time. After arriving to the dinner party separately, the news of his flirting was outed, and it's fair to say a distraught Bianca was rather angry with her husband, who was forced to admit his feelings to the group.

Despite the drama at the dinner party, Bianca and JJ showed up to the commitment ceremony together. Whilst speaking to the experts, Bianca expressed how she felt JJ never gave their relationship a chance, before saying she was "done". To the shock of nobody, both JJ and Bianca left the experiment.

Are Bianca and JJ still together?
They aren't. After their abrupt departure from the show, JJ re-entered the experiment with fellow bride Ella. During the reunion show, JJ chose to apologise to Bianca for his actions, but she didn't really accept it!

Who are the MAFS UK experts?

Mel Schilling, Charlene Douglas, and Paul C Brunson returned for the 2024 series of MAFS UK, despite Mel announcing she'd been diagnosed with colon cancer in December last year.

Sharing a post on Instagram as she reunited with her MAFS UK family, 52-year-old Mel wrote: 'So, 20 days post-op my semi colon and I returned to work - and what an absolute joy! I have to admit, there were moments when I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be back on set so for me, this was a real milestone. Being amongst the MAFS UK (@e4mafsuk + @cplproductions) family again gave me a massive boost of energy, optimism, hope & laughter 😂

'I’m all about creating holistic wellbeing & the science tells us that having a sense of achievement is integral to thriving in life - for me, returning to my work & experiencing that team spirit has given me a huge burst of wellbeing ⚡️

'I still have a long way to go and I’m far from my usual ‘level 10 Mel Energy’ but I’m definitely on my way and my mindset is pointing to happiness 🌻

'(🔎Note the Crime Scene Booties - those who know me, know that I’m obsessed with true crime - hello @redhandedthepod - sadly I wasn’t in a real crime scene, just a very fancy mansion with luxurious carpets)

'Thank you as always to my incredible Glam Team, my stylist @ejwitt and H&MU artist @roxyhabibi - so grateful to be working with you both again! And of course, my UK Work Wife @charlenedouglasofficial and I had a ball together and we can’t wait to be reunited with our Work Husband @paulcbrunson very soon!' (sic)

MAFS UK 2024 airs Monday-Thursday on E4 at 9pm.

All past series of MAFS UK are available to stream on Channel 4's streaming platform.

Now read:

12 facts you NEED to know about Married At First Sight UK

Which MAFS UK couples are still together after the show

MAFS UK fans are convinced Laura and JJ are now a couple

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