High levels of drugs found in river during Glastonbury Festival

Scientists found dangerous levels of MDMA and cocaine in the river due to public urination

Author: Radina KoutsaftiPublished 28th Sep 2021

Scientists have found environmentally damaging levels of illicit drugs in Whitelake River which runs through the Glastonbury Festival site.

As public urination is thought to be the cause of the drugs entering the river, festival-goers are urged to use the official toilets provided by the organisers.

The high levels of MDMA and cocaine could be harming wildlife further downstream, including rare populations of eels.

In a recently published study, scientists from Bangor University and the Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (CEB) worked together to measure levels of illicit drugs.

Festival-goers have to wait in queues to use the official toilets

Dan Aberg, a researcher from Bangor University, said: "Illicit drug contamination from public urination happens at every music festival.

"The level of release is unknown, but festivals undoubtedly are an annual source of illicit drug release."

Samples were taken from the Whitelake River - both upstream and downstream - before, during and after the Glastonbury Festival when it was last held in 2019.

The study found that MDMA concentrations quadrupled the week after the Festival, suggesting long-term release from the site.

Mr Aberg added: "Unfortunately, Glastonbury Festival's close proximity to a river results in any drugs released by festival attendees having little time to degrade in the soil before entering the fragile freshwater ecosystem."

They also discovered that cocaine concentrations rose to levels known to affect the lifecycle of European eels, a protected species.

Dr Christian Dunn, the study lead from Bangor University, said: "This study identifies that drugs are being released at levels high enough to disrupt the lifecycle of the European eel, potentially derailing conservation efforts to protect this endangered species."

The researchers suggested studies should be conducted into possible treatment via environmentally friendly methods, such as constructed treatment wetlands (CTWs).

Methods as such could help minimise the release and impact of illicit drugs from festivals.

They also suggested that information on the harmful effects of public urination should continue to be provided to festival-goers to reduce the contamination of natural resources.

'Don't pee on the land' posters discouraging public urination were posted all around the Festival site

Dr Dunn added: "Education is essential for environmental issues, just as people have been made aware of the problems of plastic pollution, and Glastonbury have made great efforts to become plastic-free.

"We also need to raise awareness around drug and pharmaceutical waste - it is a hidden, worryingly-understudied yet potentially devastating pollutant."

Glastonbury Festival also commented on the issue and said that there is a thorough waterways sampling regime in place during each festival.

This was in agreement with the Environment Agency and the body didn't raise any concerns following Glastonbury Festival in 2019.

In the statement, Glastonbury Festival also said: "We are aware that the biggest threat to our waterways - and the wildlife for which they provide a habitat - comes from Festival-goers urinating on the land.

"This is something we have worked hard to reduce in recent years through a number of campaigns, with measurable success.

"Peeing on the land is something we will continue to strongly discourage at future Festivals. We also do not condone the use of illegal drugs at Glastonbury.

"We are keen to see full details of this new research, and would be very happy to work with the researchers to understand their results and recommendations."

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