Game Of Thrones season 7 had it's first major character death

Warning spoilers!

Published 1st Aug 2017
Last updated 1st Aug 2017

Unlike other TV series where the major characters are normally safe, after Sean Bean lost his head in the first series and the numerous high profile deaths that have followed, we knew that in Game Of Thrones nobody was safe.


It was only a matter of time before season 7 had it's first big death and episode three 'The Queen of Justice' delivered as we saw Jamie Lannister head to Highgarden to finish off Olenna Tyrell on Cersei's orders.

The episode saw the Unsullied head to Casterly Rock where they anticipated the Lannister army would be waiting, but instead in a shock move they'd headed to Highgarden instead.

After storming the grounds and piling up the dead, we saw Jamie Lannister head on into Olenna's quarters to finish her off. Olenna asked how she would die, to which Jamie responded by pulling out a vial of poison and pouring it into her glass and assuring her he'd ensured it would be painless. She then quickly downed the drink, glad that she got to sort of take her own life.

However she couldn't resist having the last word and twisting the knife into Cersei one last time by revealing that it wasn't Tyrion that had poisoned her first born son King Joffrey at his wedding...

Her last words were delivered to a shocked Jamie, "Tell Cersei I want her to know it was me."

Yeah, that's pretty much how Jamie looked too! We wonder if he'll tell Cersei and whether this has changed his opinion of his little bro, although he definitely did kill their dad and is plotting to kill his sister so maybe the grudge is still there...

This wasn't the only highlight of the night, as we finally got to see Jon Snow head to Dragonstone to meet the Mother Of Dragons.

Daenarys asked Jon Snow to ‘bend the knee’ and honour an ancient oath to House Targaryen but he wasn't having any of it. Oh dear.

They do however seem to have come to some compromise though as Daenarys has allowed the King of the North to mine dragon glass, which we know will be crucial to defeating those pesky White Walkers.

Game Of Thrones season seven continues on Sky Atlantic at 9pm on Mondays or you can catch-up on Now TV.

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