Coronation Street spoilers: Hope Stape caught in factory fire

Author: Marianna MansonPublished 27th Aug 2019

Next week on Coronation Street, Fiz Stape and Tyrone Dobbs are frantic as their daughter Hope goes missing.

Slipping unnoticed into the factory, Hope is terrified when she finds herself caught in a factory blaze. A search party is out, And Ali Neeson hears her cries - will he be able to get to her in time?

Elswhere, Eileen Grimshaw has made up her mind about leaving with Jan Lozinski, but her friends aren't happy with her decision.

Seeing no other option, Sean Tully goes to confront Jan and tells him to convince Eileen to stay.

With Eileen's plans to leave, Seb Franklin offers a now homeless Mary Taylor the spare room at number 11, and Michelle Connor accepts a huge job offer from Ray.

CHECK OUT Coronation Street spoilers Monday 2 - Friday 6 September

With Fizz and Tyrone continuing to argue about Hope's school place (or lack thereof) Hope slips away and out of the house.

As Tyrone rallies a search party, hope finds her way into the factory and hides behind some boxes, but one catches alight.

With the fire beginning to spread, Hope panics and cries for help. Outside the factory, Ali and Maria are off for a night out and hear cries from inside.

Battling his way through the blaze, Ali is determined to rescue Hope and manages to scoop her up before further damage and takes her to safety.

Fiz and Tyrone collapse with relief as Ali delivers Hope to them safely. Promising to meet her at the event, Ali heads hope to take a diazepam.

Later on, Hope is questioned by police, but when she talks about seeing two lads run away from the fire, Tyrone realises she's lying.

But Fiz believes Hope when she says she had nothing to do with the fire. She decides to home school her while they wait for a place at Bessie Street to become available.

After a lot of soul searching Eileen breaks the news to Seb that she's leaving with Jan, and they've accepted a witness protection scheme.

With Jan waiting for her in hospital, Eileen makes up a lie about going on holiday but as she says her goodbye, Sean works out what she's really up to.

Heading straight over to the hospital, Sean tells Jan that if he really loved Eileen, he would let her live her life safely and in peace.

After coming across Mary living in the back of a van, having been kicked out by Dev, Seb feels sorry for her.

With Eileen moving out, Seb decides to offer Mary the spare room at number 11, and Mary is overcome with gratitude.

Mary hands her key back to Eileen and apologises for getting on her nerves. A thawing Eileen tells Mary that she's welcome to stay as long as she likes.

Michelle is taken aback when she's offered a great opportunity by Ray, offering franchises for the Bistro at his hotels. Unable to get through to Rob for his input, Michelle accepts the offer.

Daniel and Bethany have been working together a lot and supporting each other through their hard times. When Daniel reads Bethany's article and is full of praise, Bethany is touched.

Meanwhile, Sinead and Daniel are arguing about their upcoming wedding. Sinead calls at the Bistro and explains that she's worried about marrying, as last time she was diagnosed with cancer.

Daniel reassures her, but as Sinead turns to go she notices him and Bethany share a look. Later on when she confronts Bethany, she says she just felt awkward overhearing their conversation.

Steve and Emma have been developing a friendship, and when Emma confides in him that her dad had wanted to be scattered at the County's ground, Steve has an idea.

Turning to James and Michael for help, Steve arranges a visit to the football ground, and Emma is touched that he's gone to such lengths for her.

But at the last minute, they're intercepted by a surly security guard. Steve fights Emma's case and the guard relents, and allows them to scatter the ashes.

Amy is keen to get to know her half sister, and so Steve invites her round for tea – but the family makes such a fuss over her being there that an uncomfortable Emma makes her excuses and leaves.

Later that evening, Emma returns to Steve's house and tells him that though he'll never replace her dad, she's excited to form a friendship with him. Steve is touched.

Now let's recap on what's happening this week on the cobbles.

Fiz Brown returns to Weatherfield with Hope but is furious when she learns that Tyrone Dobbs has failed to land her a school place.

With Evelyn staging a bizarre sit in protest at the school, Fiz is left wondering if they'd have been better off staying in Birmingham.

Robert Preston finds himself in even deeper water in his love triangle with Vicky Jefferies and Michelle Connor as Jed turns to blackmail. Who will win out?

Eileen Grimshaw gets the shock of her life when she learns that Jan Lozinski had been working undercover for the police the whole time. But when he confesses his love for her and asks her to leave town with him – will he go?

Dev Alahan has a decision to make when Aadi and Asha both want their bedrooms back, and Shona Ramsay goes to visit David Platt in prison.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.