'I've given up hope President Trump will see sense': Al Gore on Climate Change

The former US Vice President was chatting about his new documentary 'An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power'

Published 18th Aug 2017

Former US Vice President Al Gore has told us he's given up hope President Trump will see sense on climate change.

Earlier this year the President announced the United States will withdraw from the Paris Agreement, which set global targets on greenhouse emissions.

Mr Gore played a fundamental role in securing the agreement, much of which is shown in his new documentary 'An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power'. It's a follow up to his 2006 Academy Award winning film 'An Inconvenient Truth'.

The former Vice President met with President Trump at Trump Tower to talk about climate change before he took up the office and even continued the conversations after he went into the White House.

But he told us he has not been in contact with him since saying: "I see no point in doing it now...I'd love to be proven wrong, maybe somebody else can convince him. I thought he's come to his senses, but I was wrong."

Our reporter Lydia Batham chatting to Vice President Al Gore

In the documentary Al Gore describes himself as a 'recovering politician', so we asked if he would consider running again in 2020.

He gave a diplomatic answer, saying: 'the longer I go without a relapse, the less likely one becomes...I want to be as effective as I can in whatever position I hold. I'm grateful to have found ways to try and make the world a better place outside the political process."

Mr Gore also had some strong words for the British government, saying they are not being ambitious enough when it comes to the environmental goals they are setting.

Watch our full chat with the former Vice President - where he also speaks about the number of selfies he takes these days - below >>>

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power