GALLERY: Showbiz stories of the year in pictures

A look back at 2017

Author: Alex Ross

What a year it has been in the world of music, TV and showbiz in 2017! We've had babies, break-ups, marriages, musical comebacks, and television gold.

Many amazing artists returned to the music scene including Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, P!nk and Rita Ora. The One Direction boys went solo, releasing some amazing solo tracks such as 'Sign Of The Times', 'Strip That Down' and 'Slow Hands'.

TV once again delivered in 2017 with shows such as The X Factor, Love Island, Strictly Come Dancing, The Great British Bake Off, Celebrity Big Brother and I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.

There was also very exciting news from the Royals. Not only did The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announce they are expecting their third child, Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle confirmed they are set to marry in May 2018.

Check out the biggest stories of the year below:

Cheryl and Liam Payne welcomed their first child

After months of speculation regarding her pregnancy, Cheryl Tweedy and Liam Payne welcomed their first child into the world, a baby boy called Bear Grey.

GALLERY: Showbiz stories of the year in pictures
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