Spring Grant Round April 2014

Take a look at where the money was distributed

Published 12th May 2014
Last updated 30th Jan 2017

Hallam Cash for Kids last grant round took place on Wednesday 16th April 2014, the Local Exec Board met to review the hundreds of grant applications and decide where ÂŁ10,000 would be distributed. Below are just some of the organisations/children we were able to help.


Freya has cerebral palsy which has left her unable to walk, talk or sit unaided. Therefore she is unable to access the upstairs of her home due to no hoisting equipment. The bathroom is located upstairs and Freya has been unable to have a bath/shower at home, Cash for Kids have been able to fund the remaining amount needed to complete a renovation for the home so that Freya can have a bathroom she is able to access.

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

The council have a project to help support vulnerable families within the Rotherham area, to access a much needed holiday, something they may never have done before. All families are identified by professionals and have to meet the criteria of low income/benefits and have not had a family holiday in the past four years/or not at all. For many families this is an opportunity to create positive memories that will aid their resilience and improve family functioning. The funds Cash for Kids have been able to grant will be used to create a basic pack for these families to take on their holiday, including basic items such as toiletries, towel and stationery.

Judith House Refuge

The women and children’s refuge provide emergency accommodation for women and children who are fleeing domestic violence. They provide individual support to families and children to promote safe and independent life away from abuse. They try to make their stay as enjoyable as possible, but due to mainly relying on donations, play equipment and resources are limited. The house wants to reform their very dated garden area and make it a lovely play area for children to play and mums to enjoy. Cash for Kids were able to fund a sandpit for the garden, along with buckets, spades and moulds.


Nassir has severe autism and attends a special school, as he needs a lot of support around development and needs constant supervision to support his daily care. Cash for Kids have been able to fund an iPad as at school Nassir has been able to use an iPad, this has resulted in his concentration improving and his behaviour is quiet. An app on the iPad is used to help Nassir communicate better with his family.


Lisa’s mum is a student and they have recently moved following domestic abuse. She had to use her savings to buy essentials such as a fridge and freezer. Therefore Lisa’s room is basic and only has a broken bed, therefore Cash for Kids were able to fund items for Lisa’s room including a wardrobe, bed, bedding, curtains and drawers.

Kate, Rebecca and Matthew

The three young children have recently moved into a 3 bedroomed council house with their mother. The house has little furniture; Kate and Rebecca are currently sharing a bed with their mother. They are in need of bunk beds for their bedroom to allow them to sleep in their own bed in their own room. Cash for Kids were able to grant funds to purchase a bunk bed and mattresses for the children.

Jake, Kieran and Mia

The three children are currently living in unhygienic conditions as their father has spent most of his money bringing them over from Kuwait. The money the father has is only enough for them to survive on and cannot afford to buy furniture. The children have a cold most of the time due to the unhygienic conditions on the floor, as they do not have beds. Funds Cash for Kids were able to grant will be used to purchase beds, bedding and wardrobes for the children.

Rotherham Women’s Refuge

Rotherham Women’s Refuge provides a range of practical, social care, health and educational services which focus on prevention, harm reduction and recovery for women, children and young people who are being abused and affected by domestic and sexual abuse. They work with families who have been affected by domestic abuse, they understand the complex issues that can emerge as a result which include impaired ability to provide effective parenting, breakdown of inter family relationships, attachment related issues, low self-esteem/confidence, isolation, impaired ability to make safe informed choices, mental health issues and substance misuse. The grant will enable the refuge to purchase much need items such as cots, bedding, high chairs etc.

Sheffield Group Riding for the Disabled

The group provide riding lessons for children aged 7-16 years with a range of disabilities. The children benefit from interacting with the horses and overcome many of the problems that they have in their daily lives while riding. Children with restricted or no mobility experience freedom to move and express themselves. The relaxation and physiotherapy continues for a few days afterwards and an improvement in behaviour and health is seen. Cash for Kids funding will allow the group to purchase essential riding hats for the children.

Autism Plus

Breath Of Fresh Air is a well-attended respite service for children with disabilities in Sheffield. As part of the service they run drama, arts and imagination workshops which are very popular. They get to develop their creative skills as well as improve their self-esteem and confidence, communication, social skills and most importantly have fun and do something they enjoy. When they perform they have to just wrap a sheet round them so Cash for Kids have been able to fund costumes, to help boost their imagination and add to their performances.

Sheffield Futures – Child Sexual Exploitation Service

The sexual exploitation service raise awareness of the issue of child sexual exploitation in order that more people are aware of the risk factors and will be able to identify young people who are potentially at risk of becoming victims of exploitation. The service provides bespoke one-to-one support for some of the most vulnerable young people in Sheffield. The funds Cash for Kids were able to grant will allow the service to create a comfortable room for the sessions to take place, it will be used to make the child feel as comfortable as possible during their meeting.

Friends of Chancet Wood Children's Home

Friends of Chancet Wood are a short breaks home for children and young people with multiple disabilities. The charity was set up to specifically raise funds for specialist equipment for the young people and current target is to provide accessible outdoor play equipment to stimulate and engage them. The funds Cash for Kids have been able to grant will be used to purchase a multi music panel, this would engage the young people and provide a stimulating, accessible and creative activity for them to enjoy.

Note: Children’s names have been changed to protect their identity