Yorkshire Coast celebrates The Queen's Platinum Jubilee weekend

There'll be many events happening with people remincising the time Her Majesty came to Scarborough

Author: Karen LiuPublished 2nd Jun 2022

The Yorkshire Coast will be celebrating The Queen's Platinum Jubilee this Bank Holiday weekend.

There will be many events happening with people reminicising the time Her Majesty came to open Scarborough Open Air Theatre in 2010.

One of those is Scarborough and Whitby MP, Sir Robert Goodwill, who said: "It was a marvellous day for Scarborough. Bill Chatt was Mayor at the time and he really handled himself very well indeed and the Queen was amazing. I was in the line-up and we spoke briefly. I remember the Duke of Edinburgh being particularly amusing."

"We're so fortunate in having the Queen. She's been stability through many decades, through many different Prime Ministers and I think we're well served by the Queen in particular but the Royal Family in general. I hope she'll not only enjoy this Jubilee but I look forward to her 100th birthday.

Robert is also hoping to see her again when he collects his Knighthood and said: "There's quite a delay in the investitures because of Covid, they didn't take place during that. I've been invited to go to the Palace in July when it may be the Queen, William or Charles. I know she's not doing all of those herself but I do hope it is the Queen.

Here are some of the events we can expect from today:

Cayton will have an official Jubilee beacon event and lantern parade from 7.30pm until 10pm.

The Official Platinum Beacon will be lit at 9.45pm along with the rest of the country and the Commonwealth nations. Prior to that will be a lantern parade from the Jubilee Hall and activities. This will take place either at the Green Belt or at the piece of land that the new community facilities will be on, off West Garth.

Scarborough will have an Afternoon Tea at the New Southlands Hotel on West Street from 12pm to 4pm.

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