Worries Yorkshire Coast charities may not stay open beyond April 2021

There are worries that a third of charities on the Yorkshire Coast can't stay open beyond April 2021 due to financial pressures and volunteer shortages.

Author: Karen LiuPublished 15th Dec 2020

There are worries that a third of voluntary and community organisations on the Yorkshire Coast may not stay open beyond April 2021 without greater support.

That comes from Community First Yorkshire as part of a survey it held in October.

Charities and voluntary groups were invited to take part in the ‘Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS) Resilience Survey’ to help measure the impact that the coronavirus continues to have. Community First Yorkshire has analysed the results with help from the universities of Sheffield, Leeds and Hull.

It says almost half of the organisations who responded rely on volunteers to deliver their services. With many people still shielding, volunteer numbers are down by almost 45% across the district which means that many vital community services are not able to be offered to the public.

It added that organisations have reported that they are finding it increasingly difficult to re-engage with volunteers – especially the over 65s - to open services again. Without support from volunteers to deliver their services, these organisations face an uncertain future.

Leah Swain, Chief Executive of voluntary sector infrastructure organisation, Community First Yorkshire, said:

“Many voluntary sector organisations in the Scarborough district rely on their volunteers to deliver their services to communities. Without their support, many district residents are going to struggle. Many volunteers need to stay at home because of the coronavirus, but we want to encourage those that can to consider giving their support in any way they are able.

“This winter and beyond, we are asking people to ‘Donate Local’, be it through money, time or skills, to support their local charities and community groups. Our local charities and community groups have stepped up, adapted their service delivery, and been there for our residents when they have needed help during the Covid crisis. Local authorities, health partners and local people have told us how they have valued the support of the voluntary and community sector. It is our time to try and give back to them in whatever ways we can.”

The #DonateLocal campaign has three strands: Donate Money, Donate Time (volunteering) and Donate Skills (becoming a trustee). For more information, visit the Community First Yorkshire website communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk or follow them on social media. Twitter: @CommFirstYorks Facebook: @Comm1stYorks

Leah adds:

“We’ve been supporting many organisations through the pandemic by giving them advice on managing their finances, recruiting volunteers and finding ways to adapt their services. If you think you need some support, don’t leave it until it’s too late and your reserves are depleted. Our research has shown that those organisations who have accessed support, from whatever source, are predicting a more resilient future than those who haven’t had any help.”

Community First Yorkshire can support community groups, charities and social enterprises in North Yorkshire with advice and guidance on: volunteering, funding, governance and trustee support, financial support and exploring ways to develop organisations.

Contact Community First Yorkshire on 01904 704177 or email: communitysupport@communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk

The survey is part of Community First Yorkshire’s Community Support North Yorkshire service which is funded by North Yorkshire County Council and NHS North Yorkshire. Financial contributions were also made by Craven, Richmondshire, Ryedale and Selby district councils.

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