Whitby girl receives successful stem cell transplant

8 year old Evie's parents have been searching for a donor since the first lockdown

8 year old Evie Hodgson from Whitby
Published 22nd Jan 2021

8 year old Evie from Whitby was diagnosed with rare blood condition aplastic anaemia during May of last year. Since then her family have been searching for a stem cell donor to help save her life.

Just before Christmas they got the amazing news that a donor had been found and the transplant look place last Friday (15th January 2020). Since the first lockdown Evie has been receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy something Mum Tina Hodgson said Evie coped incredibly well

Talking to Greatest Hits Radio Mum Tina said that

“It can make people feel really grotty but Evie sailed through and we were delighted she could enjoy transplant day really happily”

Evie’s now recovering and doing really well, her mum say’s the families “so relieved”.

Aplastic anaemia is a disease where the body fails to produce blood cells in sufficient numbers – causing a deficiency in all blood cell types and platelets, with only less 40 children diagnosed with the condition per year.