89-Year-Old Veteran To Walk From Bridlington To Filey For Charity

A 89-year-old veteran paratrooper's doing a walking challenge on the Yorkshire Coast today to raise money for charity.

Published 24th Sep 2020

A 89-year-old veteran paratrooper's doing a walking challenge on the Yorkshire Coast today to raise money for charity.

Jeffrey Long MBE is doing it for the RNLI and the RAF Benevolent Fund.

He's set to walk from Bridlington Lifeboat Station to Filey with a pit stop at Flamborough.

Jeffrey said he's looking forward to it but it's going to be tough:

"My hips are seizing up a bit and of course I have this bad back, a permanent injury from when I was in the paras, so it's not all good news.

"I look good, I feel good usually, but I'm on high blood pressure, chlorestral and chemo every day for the past two years, so I have to push myself a bit.

"I think the lifeboats are possibly one of the most deserving charities because they're short of money and they rely on voluntary donations.

"They need a lot of refurbishments and the big boats, I understand, costs £1.2m to even refurbish one and they have 44 of them.

"It would be nice if we could raise enough money to refurbish one of the big boats.

"So come on boys and girls, get rid of all your spare changes or coppers, it doesn't matter how little or how much.

"But if you can spare it, just give us it; the lifeboats deserve it and I'm trying to keep them afloat."

Anyone who wishes to donate can do so here