Still no progress with plans for multiplex cinema in Scarborough

There's still been no progress with the plan to build a new multiplex cinema in Scarborough.

Author: Karen LiuPublished 16th Oct 2020

There's still been no progress with the plan to build a new multiplex cinema in Scarborough.

The Borough Council says it's unclear what developers Benchmark Leisure are going to do with the site on the North Bay.

They have planning permission but their agreement with the authority runs out at the end of the year.

Cllr Steve Siddons, Leader of Scarborough Borough Council, said:

"We've had a very brief one a couple of months ago and they were talking about putting proposals forward but we haven't seen anything.

"We're getting close to the end of our contract with them so I don't know if they have any plans to do anything or not.

"Once that situation changes at the end of year and that contract ends, we will put forward new proposals for that site.

"If that existing developer wants to be involved in that, then they're perfectly at liberty to do that along with others. I've said that numerous times.

"We will have new proposals. We're in the process of developing a new masterplan for the borough and for Scarborough in particular, where we do need to do some things with certain areas and we will be looking for partners to work with us on that over the coming years.

"If anybody has any got ideas on that, we're willing to listen to them and we'll try and work with them.

"But that will only be after the current contract has ended, assuming the current contractor does not build the cinema in the North Bay.

"This town does not need two cinemas."

He says he understands why the public might be getting frustrated and added:

"I absolutely emphasize with people who have that view.

"But the issue is, this was not a contract of my making. I wouldn't have done it in the way it was done.

"The contract comes to an end at the end of this year and that is the first time my administration can have any influence."

We've asked Benchmark for a statement and they haven't given us one.