More volunteers urgently needed at Saint Catherine's Bridlington shop

The charity say they're 'really short' of volunteers at the moment, as many of their usual volunteers need to be shielding at home due to coronavirus

Saint Catherine's shop on Cross Street in Bridlington
Author: Edward BreslinPublished 27th Oct 2020

Saint Catherine’s has launched an urgent appeal for volunteers in its Bridlington shop.

The shop in Cross Street is currently short of volunteers, particularly to help with serving customers, operating the till and sorting donations of stock.

Tony Pillai, shop manager, said:

“We still have lots of volunteers who need to be shielding at home, so we are looking for people at moment who can give half a day or more a week.

“What’s great about being part of the team at Saint Catherine’s is that you know the funds you are helping to raise are used locally, helping to make people’s end-of-life care better.

“So many people come into the shop and know about what we do, or have their own connection to Saint Catherine’s.”

The shop is open Wednesday to Saturday from 10.30am to 3.30pm (closing for lunch from 12.30pm to 1.15pm).

Prior experience in retail is useful as a volunteer, but full training will be given.

All Saint Catherine’s shops have undergone rigorous checks to ensure they are ‘COVID safe’ and comply with Government guidance, with social distancing measures in place and PPE provided for staff and volunteers. All donated goods are quarantined for 72 hours before being made available for sale.

To find out more about volunteering at the shop, call Tony on (01262) 606894 during opening hours or call in for an informal chat.

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