PM Boris Johnson 'doing a good job with coronavirus' says Filey MP

Filey's MP is backing Boris Johnson saying he's doing well with the coronavirus pandemic.

Author: Karen LiuPublished 15th Oct 2020

Filey's MP is backing Boris Johnson saying he's doing well with the coronavirus pandemic.

The Prime Minister was criticised last week for seeming to get confused during press conferences.

He had to ask for help when talking about rules and figures for some areas.

Kevin Hollinrake said:

"This is the third Prime Minister I've served under and most come in, they have a honeymoon period, and very soon after people start to criticise their performance; understandably, that's free speech and that's the public's right to do that.

"The Prime Minister will be the first to hold his hand up and say he's made mistakes of course.

"Anybody in this situation who's had to react so quickly to fast moving events in terms of Covid is going to make mistakes, any Government would do.

"One thing I think we should do as a Government, not just the Prime Minister, is when we've clearly made mistakes, we should hold our hands up and say 'yes, we've made a mistake there, I'm sorry but we're going to put it right straight away.'"

Kevin says it's a complicated situation:

"There's no doubt about it. The rules, because we're taking this much more localised approach to things, the rules are different in all parts of the country.

"To expect a Prime Minister, who's got a million things to remember, to remember all that all the time is unrealistic, and I won't hold that against him.

"I don't think anybody elected Boris Johnson thinking he could be all things to all people.

"I think they elected him primarily to be an optimistic character who believes in this country, who believes we've got a bright future ahead, who's also willing to let other people lead in their areas of discipline."