New 3G all-weather pitch on the way for Whitby

Construction is ongoing.

Author: Benjamin FearnPublished 23rd Jan 2021

The build phase of the new floodlit third generation (3G) artificial grass pitch (AGP) on the site of Eskdale School is continuing to progress.

The all-weather pitch will further enhance the school’s facilities and provide a community football hub, that will be complemented by two full size grass pitches and a 9v9 grass pitch.

The facility will enable key partner clubs; Fishburn Park FC, Whitby Fishermens Society FC and Sleights FC to provide training and match play opportunities and enable them to further develop players and coaches. The pitch will also provide casual pay and play opportunities for local groups. Other key areas of football development that the pitch will focus on are inclusive opportunities, coach education and developing the female game.

The project secured a £573,736 grant towards the project from the Premier League, The FA and Government’s Football Foundation last July. Other key partner funders include Scarborough Borough Council, who contributed £252,135 from its Capital Reserves and S106 contributions, the School and community organisations; including local business Whitby Seafoods.

Matt Hewison, Sports Development Manager from Scarborough Borough Council, said: "After all the planning and preparation it’s great to see the progress that SIS Pitches have made on site, and you can see the pitch development coming to life each week. Everyone involved in the project is really keen to see the day when sport can be delivered on the pitch, but we all appreciate it is a matter of patience, especially during a pandemic and the weather constraints on the build.

"We are continuing to work hard in the background to ensure all the pre – commencement planning conditions are met and that the Football Foundation are happy with everything before they sign off the scheme for opening.

"With the current lockdown restrictions and the subsequent suspension of football this facility will provide a huge boost to the local football community when return to play is permitted. The support of Whitby Seafoods is very much appreciated as they have fully realised the potential impact and benefit of this new community facility".