More Support Needed For Rural LGBT Young People In North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire County Councillors have concluded that action is needed to support rural LGBT young people.

Author: Local Democracy Reporter, Stuart MintingPublished 15th Sep 2020

Action is needed to step up support for young members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in rural areas, councillors have concluded.

North Yorkshire County Council’s corporate and partnerships scrutiny committee heard despite efforts by the authority to “reach out wherever and whenever possible”, those living in rural areas of the county had less social and institutional support for LGBT communities than young people in urban areas.

Last year, Stonewall, the country’s leading lesbian, gay, bi and trans equality charity ranked the local authority as the country’s best for for tackling anti-LGBT bullying and celebrating difference in its schools.

Nevertheless, studies suggested have service providers should consider strategies for connecting more members of the rural LGBT community for potential care and support.

The committee’s chairman Councillor Derek Bastiman said despite the praise for the council’s work for the young LGBT community, further work was needed to help those who felt isolated.

He said: “If you chose a village of some 200 people 15 miles from an urban area, it’s hard to get an outreach worker there. They do have phone conversations instead in some cases. However, these conversations are very important as it is hard for people in such areas to be open and honest without suffering homophobic comments.

“It would be nice to see more support given for members of the LGBT community in rural areas.”