More allotment sites coming to Scarborough

Plans for two sites were approved by the Borough Council's cabinet earlier this week

Author: Tom FeahenyPublished 19th Feb 2022

There could be more allotment sites coming to Scarborough.

Plans were approved at the Borough Council's cabinet meeting earlier this week.

Two sites have been identified to be a community growing space one in Prospect Mount and the other in Dunn Grove at Eastfield.

A review of allotment space in the town was carried out in 2021 by a cross-political group of Councillors on the Lives and Homes Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

The current demand for space was assessed and the group also looked at what opportunities there were to increase the number of allotments available.

They also considered future allotment provision, the benefit of growing spaces and community orchards and how the council might manage this type of land in years to come.

The review found that demand for allotments is increasing.

Tony Randerson, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, said: "The take up for allotment provisions is very high with many more residents wishing to have a plot than there currently is provision for. I'm delighted with this. It shows our commitment to providing such a worthwhile air activity for many."

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