Fears of another financial hit to North Yorkshire's tourism industry

Welcome to Yorkshire say bookings are down for the current half-term holiday due to the new coronavirus restrictions

Author: Edward BreslinPublished 26th Oct 2020

North Yorkshire's tourism businesses are nervously waiting to see how much of an impact the new coronavirus restrictions will have on their takings during the current half-term holiday.

It's usually one of the busiest weeks of the year, but as the Covid-19 pandemic enters it's so-called 'second wave', there are fears people will be put off from visiting.

Despite North Yorkshire being in the lowest tier of restrictions, known as medium or tier 1, some businesses have seen cancellations or fewer bookings than normal.

Tourism agency Welcome to Yorkshire are keen to get the message out that North Yorkshire is 'open for visitors'.

James Mason, Welcome to Yorkshire's CEO, said:

"Unfortunately we have seen a decline in bookings and an increase in cancellations due to the new restrictions that have been brought in. It's a difficult time for anybody and I really sympathise with any decision maker right now that's having to commit to anything over the next few weeks due to the uncertainty.

"There will be an impact on the businesses and tourism attractions affected by this, but at the same time I've been very, very impressed throughout the whole of the coronavirus pandemic of how businesses have been entrepreneurial, how they've adapted, and these are other obstacles that they must overcome.

"The key aim here is to prevent the spread of the virus, and as long as there's sufficient financial support for businesses to get through this, retain their status, and trade on the other side of this, then that has to be the right thing to do."