Eastfield and Scarborough residents invited to employment advice sessions

The MORE for Eastfield team is now able to bring its support service to an accessible location in the heart of the community.

Author: Iona Stewart-RichardsonPublished 5th Apr 2022
Last updated 5th Apr 2022

The MORE for Eastfield team has announced new drop-in advice and skills sessions for people in Scarborough at the old community café on Westway.

Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 12pm to 4pm, residents of Eastfield in Scarborough can pop in without an appointment to talk to the team about the help and support available to improve their skills and confidence in readiness for taking up training, volunteering and employment opportunities.

The support offered depends on the individual person’s needs, but can include one to one mentoring, group sessions including crafts and cookery, support to access volunteering opportunities and group projects, assistance with work placements, access to various training courses including health and safety and manual handling, and training around confidence building and raising self-esteem.

The MORE for Eastfield team currently runs drop-in sessions throughout Eastfield but is now able to bring its support service to an accessible location in the heart of the community.

MORE for Eastfield is part of the Eastfield PACT partnership of local residents, employers and other stakeholders, working together for the benefit of Eastfield residents. The team brings together the strengths of a number of organisations including Sparks, Futureworks, Beyond Housing, Scarborough Borough Council and a variety of training providers.

Volunteers also play a vital role in Eastfield, with several organisations in the area relying on them, including the library and Westway Open Arms. The benefits to mental health and well-being from volunteering are well evidenced so the advice and skills programme from MORE for Eastfield aims to encourage volunteering and link interested individuals with organisations seeking volunteers.

The team would like to hear from any local company or other organisation that wants to know more. If they have work placements or volunteering opportunities available, are looking for staff, or would like to get involved in some other way they should email moreforeastfield@gmail.com or call Louise Morgan on 07874 639327.

Billa Duggal, Eastfield PACT partnership coordinator said:

"These sessions are really good news for Eastfield residents.

"We have a team of people readily available who have a great track record in supporting individuals and families to work through any difficulties they may have so they can go on to access education, training, volunteering or work."

Louise Morgan, MORE for Eastfield project coordinator added:

"We know that people in Eastfield want to widen their horizons and access training, volunteering and employment but they often experience barriers such as lack of self-confidence, child care commitments, medical conditions, low aspirations, lack of awareness of available jobs and lack of suitable skills in order to apply.

"We can help them overcome these challenges and access the different routes available to improve their lives.

"Thanks to funding from the Advantage Coast Community Led Local Development project and Scarborough Borough Council, we are able to bring practical support to those in Eastfield who need it the most."

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