East Riding leaders speak up on Coronavirus

The leader of the County Council and the area's MP have been sharing their thoughts.

Author: Local Democracy Reporter, Joe GerrardPublished 13th Oct 2020

Rising numbers of coronavirus cases in the East Riding are “worrying” and residents should redouble their efforts to contain the spread, the council’s leader has said.

East Riding Council leader Richard Burton said there's a danger the county will catch up to other areas hit harder by coronavirus.

The council leader called on residents to continue following social distancing guidelines and to self isolate if told to curb rising case numbers.

Cllr Burton added he had not been informed of any plans to put the East Riding into a local lockdown.

A council spokesperson said the local authority would continue to follow national guidance and would act accordingly, if new measures are announced.

Their comments come as Conservative East Yorkshire MP Greg Knight said anyone who did not like the rules should “grin and bear it”, until a vaccine is found.

Sir Greg added the government’s new three tiered traffic light system for managing local lockdowns would allow officials to move areas between different levels of restrictions more easily.

The system rates least affected areas as ‘green’, meaning only national rules apply, to ‘red’ with pubs, restaurants and gyms made to close and restrictions on meeting in public tighten.

It follows the latest Public Health England figures on coronavirus infection totals in Hull and the East Riding which stood at 2,223 and 2,756 respectively as of Monday, October 12.

Hull’s infection rate was 855.7 and the East Riding’s was 807.6, with totals rising by 26 and 62 respectively compared to Sunday.

Cllr Burton said council public health teams were constantly in touch with government officials to review local developments.

He added councillors had been briefed on infection rates during a meeting with public health teams and Chief Executive Caroline Lacey on Friday.

Cllr Burton said:

“Infections are increasing which is a worrying trend because we know the virus spreads quickly.

“For a long period of time our infection rates have been low, but now they’re going up.

“I cannot stress enough the need to carry on following government guidance and our own three steps to safety which are to prevent the spread, know the symptoms and act by getting a test or self-isolating if you have them.

“One of the sobering statistics that I’ve seen is that 80 per cent of people contacted through the Test and Trace programme have failed to self-isolate.

“If people aren’t self-isolating here that’s a really serious concern.

“We’re in this together and we must redouble our efforts.

“The government has been in touch with those areas that are of real concern, so far I’ve not been contacted regarding changes to restrictions in the East Riding.

“We’re behind some of the areas of concern, but the danger is we will catch up.

“I’ve been in regular contact with residents and businesses to make sure they’re following the rules and that they have plans in case things change.

“But we want to do our upmost to prevent a local lockdown, even down to what we do at an individual level.

“Wear your face masks, wash your hands, follow the guidelines, I cannot overstate the seriousness of this.”

Sir Greg said the task of deciding whether to put areas into stricter lockdowns was “difficult” given rapidly changing situations and the need to balance public health with economic concerns.

He added the majority of his constituents recognised the need for restrictions to keep the area safe.

The MP said:

“I hope it doesn’t come to a local lockdown, but if that’s what the experts tell us we should do then we’ll have to.

“Most people are behind what the government are doing, they recognise it’s for the public good.

“The new traffic light system will allow the government to move areas between different levels of restrictions more easily.

“There’s growing evidence that social distancing is effective and works.

“I’d advise anyone who doesn’t like the current rules to grin and bear it because they’re for the greater good until we get a vaccine.

“Whatever rules are in place, they need to be kept under regular and constant review as our knowledge improves and if it looks like there’s a better way of doing this.”